provides a diverse range of opportunities from which students can gain experience. these experiences not only shape students' worldview, they also enable students to discover their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their areas of interests and passion. and it does not stop here, as most of the time schools put their students through the process of reflection, which enriches their understanding of themselves further, allowing for character growth and development. also grooms the next generation of leaders for the country, with much forward & critical thinking put in practice
concrete examples
e.g. Education and Career Guidance (ECG) equips students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to make informed decisions at each key education stage for successful transition from school to further education or work, and hence to manage their career pathways and lifelong learning throughout their lives. Through ECG, social emotional competencies and qualities of proactivity, adaptability and resilience are developed to prepare students for the 21st Century