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Unit 2: Enlightenment (Guaman Poma (1535-1616)
Child of nobility…
Unit 2: Enlightenment
Guaman Poma (1535-1616)
- Peru
- Child of nobility see's himself as Spanish
- Thinks the church is getting Peru wrong
- Wrote to the Spanish king about the people prior to Europeans
- New sense of what it means to be inca
Hobbes (15881657)
- Wilttshire
- absolute monarchy
- Believed state of nature was a war against everyone
- Big strong leader
- People were selfish & brutal
British Civil Wars-- Roots of Enlightenment
( 1639-1660)
- Bishop's war in Scotland (1639-1640); caused by Charles I attempt to reform Scotland
- (1641): Catholics upset for push for Protestantism (Tears of England)
- English Civil War (1642-1649)
- Between Parliaments and Royalist (gov't); Parliament taken over by Presbyterian , the fight & capture Charles I
- Execution of Charles (1649)
- Oliver Cromwell & Interregnum (1649-1660)
- imposed strict form of christianity upon country ; under various forms of republican gov't
John Locke
- UK
- 2 Treatsies
- 1st: Locke criticizes Robert Filmer. argues in support of divine right of kings
- Locke defines political power
- Gov't is obligated to serve the people, rule of law & representiave gov't
- John Locke & Earl of Shaftesbury
- March 6, 1669
- Protect proprietary interests & avoid creation of democracy
- Carolina aristocracy
Types of Labor in Spanish America
- Mita: Inca system of labor "season labor" transformed by Spanish to mining work
- Encomienda: Conquistador grant of people and land
- Repartimento: Crown managed labor service
- Hacienda: landowner manages workers
Galileo (1564-1642)
- Italy
- Telescope
- Finds crater on moon interesting
- Argues that Copernican should be taught "Dialogue", gets him in trouble
- Publishes "Dialogue in Italian/Latin
- Makes things public so book sells
- Spreads info by teaching
Ihara Saiku (1642-1693)
- Writing in Japan
- Zen monk that believes the world is an illusion
- Published nontraditional stories that were explicit
- Accounts of financial affairs & merchant class)
Coffee House Pamphlets (1673-1675)
- London
- More leisure time'
- Starts in ottoman empire by Sufi's
- Closer to God; not sinning by drinking coffee
- Free trade base societies
- Character of Coffee House (against coffee houses, people criticize gov' & church & argue
- Coffee Houses Vindicated
(For coffee houses, bringing people together to discuss ideas
Beer street & Gin lane (1751)
- London
- Two sets of values (gin & beer)
- Was in support of getting rid of Gin
- Gin bad, beer good
Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868)
- Unifies in 1493
- Unifies under a shogun-- military dictator
- Shogun established military gov't - Bakeu to prevent civil war
- Needed to control federal daimyo
- Rise of Merchants-- Se prices in Osaka-- allows grwoth in cities
- final period of Japanesse traditional gov'
- worried about influence of catholic counries
Dutch Republic (1581-1795)
- First to break from dominance of Spain (1576)
- Tried to ally with England (1585)
- Dominated by towns -- Staholder vs. Prince of Orange
- Decided they all wanted to be Calvinists at Dort (promotes nationalism)
- Dominated trade (fish indusrty)
Dutch (1602) English (1600)
- used stock companies instead of gunpowder
- Becomes new economic democracy
- Surpasses Portuguese; makes lots of money
- Henry VII & Act of Supremacy - Rise of the Moderate Gentry
- Elizabeth I: Virgin queen ( didn't marry spanish, keeps england from being invaded by spanish
- Elizabeth dealt with persecution of Catholics & invasion of Ireland
- James I: publishes King James Bible
- Creates Britain
- Civil war (1640-1649)
- Execution of Charles I
General Crisis
- 30 years (1618-1648)
- religious war (Protestant & Catholics)
- Later balance of power in Europe
- Confessional Nations & Disintegration of Spanish Empire in Europe
- Ming
- Becomes Quing empire, empire gets enlarged. ( good in 18 &21st) -- bad in 19th
- manchu conquest
Dutch are Calvinists; they believed God already decided who went to heaven or hell
- embarrassed to be rich
(Puritans flee to Calvinism)
Equiano (1745-1797)
- Nigeria
- Was a slave then became abolitionist
- Wrote a slave narrative that described the horrors of slavery & middle passage
Peter the Great
- Russia
- Wanted to expand Russia
- Defeats ottomans which pushes him to expand
- Creates St. Petersburg
- Expands Alaska
- Adoption & printing of Julian calendar
- Became emperor in 1721.
- Brought Russia to modern age
- Alphabet & reducing Orthodox Church autonomy
Chen Hongmou (1696-1771)
- believes that good gov't changes things "statecraft"
- believes that all ethnicity & women should have the same education
- take exam to become elite
Immanuel Kant (1784)
- Comes up with enlightenment as a movement
- Rely on your own knowledge
- Difficult to become enlightened; question everything you know
- Put people in mental slavery
7 years War (1756-1763)
- Britain's need for expanding
- French & Indian
- French & colonists merged into European conflict
- Britain won
Middle Passage
- Africa to Americas
- Ships were supposed to carry 450 but carried over that
- Christians notice slave trade is killing people
- Gun, slave, sugar
- gun & alcohol used to catch more slaves
James Somerset
- Turning point in 1772
- Freed slave goes to England where someone tries to enslave him
- England had no law about slavery
- Ruling: no slave could be removed from Britain & forced into slavery
Qing Dynasty
- Kangxi was first great machu emperor
- uses scholarship & enlightenment & restricts Europeans
- Printing (colored)-- only elite could use
- expand west & north
- dictionaries, encylopedia's
- Defeat of Russia in Amor Valley (1686)
- Treaty of Nerchinsek (1689)
Declaration of Rights of Man (1789-Paris)
- Written by National Assembly; mostly third estate
- theory of equal protection
- french revo; defining individual & collective rights of all estates
Olympe de Gouges (Marie Gouz)(1748-1793)
- Fought to give women the right to divorce
- Made direct declaration to queen, tries to plea
- sentenced to death
- Big picture
- advocate for abolitionism
- Sept. 14, 1791
Etta Palm d'Aelder's
- Discourse
- campaigned
for women's right
- women's welfare
Touissant (1743-1803)
- Haiti
- led successful slave revolt
- 1792: Free blacks as citizens, makes big and lil whites mad
- 1793-1794: Slave revolt in Haiti leading to abolition
- 1794-1801: He joins French to fight British & Spanish
- 1801: Constitution for the whole island
- 1802-1803: Slavery reestablished by Napoleon & capture of Touissant in peace negotiation
1804; Haiti gets independence & final abolition of slavery