Respiratory Stystem Jocelyn Chavez p7

Respiratory disorders

Major structures


Upper respiratory tract





Lower respiratory system





Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract

Nose: Air enters through external nostrils

  • Also consists of tubes that filter, warm, and moisturize incoming air and transports into microscopic alveoi

Paranasal Sinuses: Reduces the weight of the skull and serves as resonant chamber

Nose Cavity: Olfactory receptors in mucosa on superior surface and moistens air and traps incoming foreign particles

Larynx: Keeps particles from entering the trachea

Pharynx: Common passage for food and air and aids in producing sounds for speech


Diaphragm flattens during inspiration

Movement into lungs

External Intercostal: contraction moves ribs and sternum upward and outward increasing the size of the thoracic cavity

Elastic recoil of lung tissue acids in expiration

Forceful expiration involves decreasing the size of the thoracic cavity by coughing and singing

movement of air out of the lungs

Internal intercostal muscles contraction depresses rib cage decreasing the front to back size of the thorax

Lung capacity terminology

Inspiratory reserve volume: additional maximum ihalation

Tidal volume: Normal breathing

Residual volume: keeps alveoli inflated

Vital capacity: Maximum volume that can be exhaled

Expiratory reserve volume: Addition air expired during exhalation

When the diaphragm and intercostal relax, the lungs and thoracic tissues recoil and the lungs volume lower. this causes the pressure within the lungs to get higher than the atmosphere making air to move out the lung

Pneumonia- Bacterial or viral infection on the lungs caused by viral infection
Symptoms: chest pain

Tuberculosis: Bacterial infection in the respiratory system caused by weaken immune system.
Symptoms: fever & fatigue, & coughing

COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder caused by tobacco smoke.
Symptoms: Chronic cough, & tight chest pain

Seasonal Flue: A viral infection caused by inhaled in respiratory.
Symptoms: Dry cough, headache, and body ache

Lung cancer: Uncontrolled cell growth and development of tumors in lungs caused by smoking.
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, & weight loss

Major Funtions

Distribution of air: Filters, warms, humidifies air

Gas exchange: Supplies oxygen and removes carbon dioxide


External Respiration: Exchanges gasses between the lungs and the bloodstream

Internal Respiration: Exchanges gasses between the bloodstream and body tissues

Air vibrating the vocal cords creates sound

Olfaction or smell

Difference between left and right lung

Left lung: Long and narrow, close to the heart, and has one bronchus

Right lung: Wide, short, has two bronchi

Difference between left and right primary bronchi

Right primary bronchi: Short, wider, divides 3 lobar bronchi

Left primary bronchi: Thinner, longer, divides into 2 bronchi

Breathing mechanism