Psyc Exam 1
Origins of Psychology
Early origins of psychology can be traced back to the centuries of great philosophers.
Scientific study of behavior and material process.
Aristotle greek phiopsopher wrote topics about sleep, dreams, senses and memory.
French philosopher Rene Descartes created interactive dualism ides that mind and body were separate entities that produce emotions and other conscious experiences.
Nature-Nurture issue: Nature of a person or the influences and environment around them.
Psychology: Branch of biology that studies functions and parts of living organisms.
Pschology school of thought
Psychology: Study of human brain and behavior
Willam James
Functionalism: Emphasized studying the purpose or function of behavior and mental experiences.
Teacher at Harvord became intriged by emerging the science of Psychology.
No longer exsits in the School Of Thought Process
Sigmond Freud
Psychoanalysis: Personality theory form psychology that emphasizes the role of unconscious factors in personality and behavior.
From Vienna Austria physician. Was a neurologist not psychologist.
Theory of personality was based on his work with patients and insights delivered from self-analysis
Belived that human behavior was motivated by unconscious conflicts sextual agression in nature.
Was fasinated by the idea that different species had evolved over time.
John B. Watson Behaviorism: Viewpoint that emphasizes the study of observable behaviors. As they pertain to the process of learning.
Influence of Psychology pioning work of Ivan Pavlov.
Pavlov demonstraited that dogs can learn to associate neutral stimulus. Sound of a ticking metronme with an automatic behavir such as refelxing the anticipation of food.
Carl Rogers Humanistic Psychology:Theoretical viewpoint that emphasizes each person's unique potential for psychological growth ad self-direction.
Watson objected the methood of Structuralism its method of intorspection and its focus on the consious mind.
Rodger emhasized the conscious experiences for his clients. Each persons unique potentail for psychological groth and self-direction.
Self-Determination, Free will, importance of choice in human behavior.
Contemporary perspectives in psychology
Biological Perspective:Psychologists and other scientists who specialize in the study of the brain and the nervous system. They are called neuroscientists.
Study of the brain.
Psychodynamic Perspective: Empasize the importance of unconscious influences, early life experiences and interpersonal relationships in treating people with psychological problems.
Behavioral Perspective: Watson and Skinners connection. Psychology should fous on observable behaviors and the laws of learning.
Humanistic Perspective: Focoues on motivation of people to grow psychologically, infuence of interpersonal relationships on ones self-concept importance of choice and self-direction in striving to reach potential.
Congnitive Perspective: The important role of mental processes in how people process and remember info, develop language,solve problems and think.
Cross-Cultural Perspective: cultural factors influence human behavior.
Evolutionary Perspective:consider all behaviors (such as fears, prejudices, relationships, etc.) as the result of evolutionary processes. This perspective takes the stance that behaviors came into existence as a result of adaptations to living conditions.
Scientific Method: Set of assumptions, attitudes and procedures that guide researchers in creating questions to investigate generating evidence and thawing conditions.
Formulate a sepecific question that can be tested. Design a study to collect relevant data. Analyze the data to arrive at concusions. Report the results.
Hypothesis: Statement about the relationship between two or more variables. Variable: Factor that can vary or change in ways observed or measured.
Case Study: An intensive study of a single individual or small group of indeviduals.
Survey:Questinare or interview designed to investigate options, behaviors, or characteristics of a particular group.
Obervation: researchers observe participants' ongoing behavior in a natural situation. Depending on the type of observation research and the goal of the study, the market researcher will have varying levels of participation in the study
Correlation:researcher measures two variables, understands and assess the statistical relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable.
Experimetal Method: Cause and efffect relationship between changes in one varible. Independent varible Dependent varible. Dependent observed, measured for change i an experiment. Independent: manipulated factor to change in expereiment.
Experimental Reserch: where a set of variables are kept constant while the other set of variables are being measured as the subject of experiment.
APA ethics guidelines: Psychologists use ethical guidelines in order to be certain that treatment and research are being conducted in a manner that is not harmful to participants.