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Relationship w Catholic Church (1922-4 (Jan 1922 Benedict replaced by Pius…
Relationship w Catholic Church
The Church: Background + early changes
BM = atheist + anticlerical
The Cardinal's Mistress
hypocristy of church
August 1917 Benedict XV attempted to end WW1 through the Peace Note
BM saw this as defeatism
1919 programme of Fasci di Combattimento called for confiscation of Church property
90% Italians were Catholic, around 30% regular churchgoers
BM could not win support through an anti-clerical programme
May 1920 Fascist Congress: BM declared Cm to be used as a political force
May 1921 first speech to Parliament, BM said fascism doesn't practise anticlericalism
'the only universal values that radiate from Rome are those of the Vatican
(The Pope set values the govt. doesn't have any opposition against)
Jan 1922 Benedict replaced by Pius XI - concerned by Communist threat and hoped for a govt of 'National Concentration' including Fascists
Very anti-socialist, slightly pro-Fascist (to defeat communism)
1923 BM put crucifixes in state buildings, introduced RE into state primary schools, guaranteed to bail out Catholic Bank of Rome, banned Freemasonry and anticlerical journals, dropped plans to tax church property
Major change from 1919
BM had children baptised + had a church marriage ceremony
EVIDENCE of propaganda - how he was seen by the public
1923 Pope ordered Sturzo (PPI leader) to resign and called on the party to support PNF
EVIDENCE of impact - EVIDENCE of outcome of BM'S Catholic measures
Reasons for popular support
Jan 1923 BM began secret talks w Cardinal Gasparri (Vatican secretary of state) stable PNF - aim to curb socialism and liberalism
But king would oppose increases in Pope's political influence
Catholicism threatened the position of the King
1924 Pope backed BM during Matteotti Crisis
Useful EVIDENCE of active support from pope + elite support for regime
Lateran Pacts
Negotiations 1926-9 - signed a treaty, financial convention + concordat 11th Feb 1929
BM's domestic achievement, compromise - CCs praised 'great reconciliation'
Pope formally recognised the Italian state, Rome as capital
As something the Pope doesn't control
State acknowledged Pope's authority over the Vatican, sovereign state of 44 hectares w full diplomatic rights
Paid compensation for the Pope renouncing claim to Rome
L750M + L1bn in state bonds
(From previous loss of land)
Made Catholicism Italy's sole state religion
RE compulsory in state secondary schools, Catholic Action to continue as long as no political activities
Pope to nominate all bishops + clergy to receive state-funded salaries but can't join political parties, civil marriage no longer needed + no divorce without Church consent
Church Support
Official fascist slogan: "For pope and Duce"
Claiming to be very intertwined with Catholicism
Priests involved w Fascist youth organisation + traditional values, gave Fascist salute
Feb 1932 BM visited pope
Confirmed mutual views on societal/gender values and views towards communism
Pius XI called BM "the man sent by providence' (god) and endorsed the regime
1928 new law - plebiscite March 1929 to show Italian consensus
As part of Pact, Church promised to mobilise the Cc vote to show gratitude
Catholic Action appealed to voters to vote 'yes' and Pope said 'yes' also helps approve the Concordat
8.63m participated, 90% of electorate, 98% 'Yes'
Similar support in 1934 plebiscite
BM: The Fascist state "not only respects religion, but defends and protects it"
Becoming more enthusiastic about religion
Impact of Lateran Pacts
LIMITS of the dictatorship
Cc church could extend influence throughout Italian life w re-entry into education
could control sections in school + marriage
BM had to give up some social control
Resurgence of Catholicism - pupils in church-run secondary schools x3 1927-40
More parents choosing to send children to faith schools
Compromise - Catholic Action was the only non-fascist youth organisation allowed to continue
Branches had 1m members, mainly in North
Pride/presitige/popularity for BM
Worldwide Catholicism, agreement bosted BM's international image as he solved the 'Roman Question' that troubled Italy since 1870
Tension: Catholic Action
1931 conflict w CA, partly due to changes in leadership
Giurati became Party sec + Scorza = responsible for youth organisations OC 1930
accused CA of organising sport containing anti-fascists, attempting to form Trade unions, etc.
Accusing them of encouraging anti-fascism only a couple years after concordat agreed
Police raids and govt. closed CA - pope issued an encyclical to all Bishops 'we have no need'
Accused PNF of breaking its word and said youth couldn't belong entirely to the state
Summer 1931 DEAL: September reopened CA for religious and non-sporting activities, former PPI not allowed to be youth leaders
1939 388k members of Cc youth groups
Signifcant force but less than in previous years
Less fun activities to reduce its popularity and the Church's power
Fascists still worried about their political views
Other Church state tensions
Obstacle to totalitarianism?
BM had to give up some areas of control to CC
1930 Arch-bishop of Milan publicly endorsed gov BUT 300 priests signed open letter stressing that Catholicism and Fascism were incompatible
EVIDENCE of success and failure
Minor disagreements over girls' involvement in physical activities of fascist organisations; condemnation of fascist acceptance of brothels
Cc didn't think it was ladylike
1938 Pope condemned racial discrimination + said prohibiting mixed marriage between biological Jews was against Pacts as church asserted that Jews could convert to Cm through marriage
Letter was not published before death 10th Feb 1939 -> Pius XII
New pope not interesting in protesting against anti-semitism
1943 Church used contacts w US to suggest King to appoint new govt
BM sacked partially because of Church