impacts and consequences of a cyber attack
denial of service
imact authorised uses of websight
identify theft
it is when personal details are stolen o commit fraud
data destruction
data is destroyed and no longer available
data manipulation
data is edited usually to meet needs of the attacker
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data theft
any cyber security attack has consequences which can relate to loss disruption or safety
three main consequences from loss of data:financial, data and reputation
businesses can suffer financially through loss of income or having to pay out compensation
data is stolen for example passwords
time delay in backups can result in data being lost
business reputation can be negatively affected
disruption can be optional, financial or commercial
safety can include individuals, equipment and finance
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successful cyber attacks can have an impact of businesses and individuals
the operational running of the business will be affected by the time take to reinstall the back up data. the time delay means the business cant function normally internally or externally
these can impact the business if customers data has been lost as compensation may be paid accounts may not show who owes money until data and the system have been restored the business may need to function using limited financial data
a cyber-security attack can mean the business cant function properly for example a retail business could function with limited operational consequences but a power generation may be unable to function safely and may have to be shut down until data has been fully restored
identify theft
can impact on individuals. personal details are stolen during the attack then the attackers can make a copy of those individuals details
personal data could be stolen leading to identity theft
a business could be unable to fully function and individuals may not be able to access the internet
this can be when the attack is taking place.access to financial websites may be denied or lost
data theft
happens when cyber-security attackers steal computer-based data from a person or business
data modification
changes data to meet the needs of the attacker. the crime may not be found for a long time