Robert Pickton or known as ‘The Pig Farmer Killer’ was born on October 24, 1949 and before he was imprisoned, he had lived in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside which is filled with cheap hotels, flop houses, warehouses, drug dens, street gangs, biker gang members, pimps, prostitutes and many more activities like this. He is known to be one of the largest serial killer investigations in Canadian History as he had been able to kill upto 6 - 49 women and all of these women had been indigenous, prostitutes or both. He would lure these women from local strip clubs or parties that he would host in his house, butcher them and then feed their remains to his pigs which would mainly, result in the evidence being destroyed. His killing journey had begun in about 1982 – 2002, where he had been caught and arrested which lead to the investigation of the numerous murders that he has done. Then later in 2007, he was convicted of second-degree murder of six women and he had also admitted that he had killed 49 women in total, but due to the lack of evidence was only convicted for 6 women. Overall, Pickton had been a farmer with many different causes that lead him to murder upto 6 - 49 women in Vancouver Downtown.