Participative decision making
Build Cohesiveness
Focus on shared or compatible goals
Recognize progress toward goals
Establish shared norms and values
Minimize perceived threats between members
Emphasize members interdependence
Recognize threats from outside the group
Develop mutual liking and friendship
Share group experiences
Orientation stage
Conflict stage
Emergence stage
Reinforcement stage
Breakout Group
Problem census
Focus group
Parliamentary procedures
Panel Discussion
Identify the problem
Determine the group goals
Determine individual members goals
Analyze the problem
Stages of problem solving
Word the problem as a broad, open question
Identify criteria for success
Gather relevant information
Identify supporting and retaining forces
Force field analysis
Nominal group technique
Expert opinion
Minority Control
Authority Rule
Information Underload
Information overload
Pressire to conform
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This chapter goes about stating the importances of developing a good group even through all the negativity and lack of commitment from other team members. This goes along saying how important it is to "overcome dangers in group discussion" such as having lack of information this sort of situation can be caused by "information under-load when there is a shortage of information necessary to operate effectively, or information overload which is the decline of efficiency that occurs when the rate or complexity of material is too much to handle
When I was put into a group for a science project in high school our group was highly un-oriented to the point where we all thought we were going to fail at first we were just going to accept the lost cause and take the failed grade but I decided that we should put away our differences if there were any and help us get an A on the project. What I decided to do was figure out what was wrong with the group and the first cause was lack of communication which was highly important for any project given to anyone, lack of information, and lack of reinforcement stage. After conceding with my team members we all fixed this establishment and go a A for the project this was because we communicated fluently and acknowledged what was wrong with our group.