Lu, J., Bridges, S., & Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2014). Problem-Based Learning


History of PBL

Example 1

Example 2

Theory of PBL

PBL Pedagogical Design

The Role of Problems in PBL


Diagnostic problems

Design problems

Strategic performance problems

Decision-making problems


  1. Coaching
  1. Elicit articulation

Teacher as Scaffold

Representations as Scaffolds

  1. Communicating process

Self-Directed Learning


Reflection for Learning and Transfer


Effects of PBL

PBL in Transition / and Transforming PBL

PBL: Future Practice

PBL and Technology

Future Directions for PBL Research

  1. Research in other Disciplines and Grades
  1. Research on Evaluation and Assessment of PBL
  1. Research on Supporting PBL on Larger Scales

Implications for the Learning Sciences