Lu, J., Bridges, S., & Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2014). Problem-Based Learning
History of PBL
Example 1
Example 2
Theory of PBL
PBL Pedagogical Design
The Role of Problems in PBL
Diagnostic problems
Design problems
Strategic performance problems
Decision-making problems
- Coaching
- Elicit articulation
Teacher as Scaffold
Representations as Scaffolds
- Communicating process
Self-Directed Learning
Reflection for Learning and Transfer
Effects of PBL
PBL in Transition / and Transforming PBL
PBL: Future Practice
PBL and Technology
Future Directions for PBL Research
- Research in other Disciplines and Grades
- Research on Evaluation and Assessment of PBL
- Research on Supporting PBL on Larger Scales
Implications for the Learning Sciences