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Koala Count (Client Story (Visual Graphs will be displayed to show: (Total…
Koala Count
Client Story
Volunteer users must be able to input details of the koala sightings
Program must automatically analyse the data using ore-programmed algorithms that utilizes the historical and current data.
Generate a summary of the data based in town, location and year
Needs to be easy to use for volunteers of varying ages
Recommendations for the Koala counting survey taken by the volunteers
the screen resolution must be no bigger than 1536 x 2048
Must apply to the accessibility guidelines adapted from
Must be compatible with a tablet/Ipad
A formal database must be structured to ensure that all data record is stored consistently
Application must store SurveyArea, SurveyNumber, SiteNumber, Town, LGA, Year, Date, NumberOfAdults, NumberOfSubadults, NumberOfJuveniles, TotalNumberOfKoalas
Restriction For the Users
Only allow Volunteers to input Koala data (NumberOfAdults, NumberofSubadults, and NumberOfJuveniles
Admin are only allowed to set up the tablet for the Volunteers and also upload historical data (2010-2013) to the database
Researchers are able to analyse the data and receive answer to the query questions
Only the researchers and admin must login to the applciation. Volunteers don't need to store any personal information because they are only surveying the animals. The researchers are responsible for the analysis of data and the admin are responsible for input historical data
Visual Graphs will be displayed to show:
Total Koalas sighted for each town for each year
Adult, sub-adult and juvenile koalas sighted for each town for each year
minimum and maximum koalas sighted for a given town over the last ten (10) years
Comparison of Koala numbers between two towns
Total koalas sighted in a town for two consecutive years with percentage change.
Developer Problem
must login through the login page.
be able to select a query from the dropmenu box.
if their query requires extra information then allow the user to input either town 1, town 2, year 1, year 2.
if the query button is pressed then depending on the query chosen, the application will display a pie, bar or table.
Must login through the login page
allow the admin to enter location details but provided them with a dropmenu for LGA and surveyArea. This ensures that they enter the information correctly
When they press submit, a row in the database will be created unless a row with the admin's entered date and sitenumber already exists, then an error will be displayed
must be able to input a count of koalas and have their findings implimented into the database.
should not be able to access the login page for admin or researcher page, nor the admin and researcher page. Admin must set up the first page the volunteers see.
A notification box will be displayed if the user has finished and has pressed the submit button.
error messages clearly convey the users error so that they can fix their input.
levels of hierarchy are clearly established to identify what information the user should read first. This allows them to have a better understanding of the window.
Headings and sub-headings are easily readable on volunteer, admin and researcher.
window headings on each page
headings that are appropriate for the window
instructions are displayed at the top of the page to inform the user what they will be doing on this page
when the user must enter information, the application clearly directors them. Information
contrast of colours so the application is easy to read.
a consistent layout was used throughout the application to allow the user to familiarize themselves with the layout
instructions are given to allow the user to understand each page of the application
When the admin or researcher logins, their password is hidden for security purposes
Validation is consistent throughout the application
When the volunteers submit the number of koalas they've found
if the user has logged into the correct user windows
When the admin enters the site number and date, the application checks if the site number and date together have already been inputted into the database. if so an error will appear.
When the user presses the clear button, the application will pop up a message box asking them 'are you sure you wish to clear'
the application does allow the researcher to complete their queries and supplies them with graphs and information.
the admin can set up the application for the volunteer by entering location data that is inputted into the database.
volunteers can count Koalas and their findings are inputted into the database.
Elements and principles of visual communication
Alignment allows the user to effectively scan the solution for information
Alignment was used consistently throughout the application to ensure that the design was easy to understand and to create a familiar layout.
Use of Repetition will allow the user to easily navigate the solution and allow the program to stay consistent with a certain theme/colour
Dark purple and light purple were used consistently throughout the application providing the program with repetition in regard to design.
Contrast can be used to identify importance
A dark purple was used in the banner and a lighter purple was used for the background. This provides a contrast between the banner and the background to easily distinguish between the banner and the focus of the application.
Proximity for the purpose of accessibility; to ensure that the user can easily navigate the solution by understanding the relationship between texts
Proximity was used to define a relationship between texts and entry boxes, this can be seen on the admin, volunteer and researcher page.
Hierarchy to identify the relationship between texts and to allow the user to be attracted to the titles before the information
Hierarchy was gained by different text sizes, the title and subtitle were in larger fonts to introduce the page to the user, and the information was slightly smaller to indicate they must read the above information first.
Line, shape, texture and form which will enhance the aesthetically appeal and learnability of the solution
images were outlined in black to create a contrast from the background.
space to ensure all information is easily readable
space was used throughout the program but especially on the volunteer page because this user has less familiarity with the application than the admin and researcher.
colour and tone to ensure that the colours are correctly contrasted to ensure the ease of navigating the solution
the colour scheme of the application will be a consistent dark purple and light purple.
proportion and scale is used to make the program aesthetically pleasing but also to ensure that information is not grouped too close together
entry boxes on the admin and researcher pages were grouped together to signify their connection/relationship. for example if the two year entry boxes were next to each other in the researcher page.
Option Menu
Used to contain multiple options for example, in the admin page, the user can chose from an option menu, LGA and survey areas.
In the Researcher page, the towns have been listed in a option menu alphabetically.
Entry box
Site Number
Survey Number
years within the researcher page
Submits the information into the database, on the admin page, the information creates a row in the database if it doesn't already exist.
Clear button, clears the entry boxes for the user. An example is on the login page where the user can clear the information they've entered.
The query button calls a function which then depending on the user's choice, will go to the corresponding query function to show the results of their inquires.
User input
Data output
this functions connects the application to the database (which it will created).
It will created the tables within the database.
this function will open the csv files containing the tables information and then insert the csv file's values into the database.
collects all the rows in the database to allow the creation of graphs and tables
This will insert a row into the database using the information provided by the admin and the automatic data provided by the computer i.e date and year.
this function will search the database to check if the site number and date entered by the Admin already exists and therefore can't be added again
This function will collect the information from the volunteer and then implement it into the database
Constraints and limitations
There wasn't much time to perfect the application
The researcher must know which sitenumber is which town
User Story
Both scientists and Admin must sign into the application separately to be able to interact with the analyse of the data and, the input of historical data and the set up for the volunteers surveying screen
She is a senior researcher at UQ School of Earth and Environmental Sciences meaning she is quite familiar with the analysis of environmental and animal life and therefore does not need information explicitly stated for her.
Her focus is to research the number of declining numbers of koalas therefore, the application must meet that need and provide graphs/information on that subject (also requested from the client)
When logging into the application their password must be hidden to ensure they're private information is protected
The application must meet the users requirements: to analyse created graphs through the program
The graphs must be labeled accordingly to ensure that the user can clearly understand
The application must be clear and provide context when an input from the researcher is
The Bartlett Family
Immigrated from Ireland so they may have different expectations of survey programs, therefore, the application needs provide explicit context
Has a growing interest in bush walking, they are also a young family with a young boy and teenage daughter, therefore suggesting they will be able to do the more difficult walks to survey Koalas
They would like to expand their interest and foster a care for the environment in their children, therefore the application must be easy to use for kids but also fun.
Layout of the window needs to be predictable and consistent throughout the application to allow the user to get familiar with program
Program needs to be simple and easy to understand
The users expectation to interact with the application needs to be met, therefore, the program needs to input ideas from popular programs
Provide context for the user, explain what they must do on each page if it's not explicitly stated
The users must successfully be able to input the required data for the analyse
Laura is also responsible for the Koala's Count surveys in the SEQ region therefore she must be able to access the admin section and accordingly set up the tablets for the volunteers
As an admin, Laura would have to enter lots of information in for the volunteer tablet set up so the application must be able to store certain information such as time and date. This will allow the setting up process to be more efficient.
When the admin logins into the application, there password will be hidden to ensure their personal information is protected
The Admin mus be able to set up the application for the volunteers, therefore they must be able to enter, SurveyArea, SurveyNumber, SiteNumber, Town, LGA, Year, Date. This also benefits the learnability from the users point of view because allows them to easily use the application without having to enter time and area information.