1.Accesibilty-no financial and geographical barriers
-affordables for all
-redistribution allocation of resources to underserved area/grey area
2.Appropriate technology
-cost effective based on health needs and appropriately adapted to community's socially economic and cultural develpoment-
3.community participation
-participate in planning and making decision about their own health
-involved in developemnt process voluntarily and willingly
-close contact between health service and community-2 way process
-health workers and service to remain to responsive to perceived and real healh need of people
-understand objectives and constraints of health system amd seek ways of making tasks easy and inreasse effectiveness
-involves in community organizations and social networks
4,prevention and health
promotion-focus to 3 levels of prevention.intervention
-primary (health promotion,specific protection)
-secondary(early detection,diagnosis treatment)
-tertiary (disability limitation,rehabilitation)
5.Intersectoral collaboration-multi sectoral approach ,intersectoral coordination,intra sectoral cooperation-the agencies ngo,private,gov works together to improve the health of populations