Web Technologies
Client Server Scripting
Search Engine Indexing
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup language
When building a website HTML is used as the standard language but also is assisted by technologies such as CSS and Javascript
The Html basic tags consist of <html> <body> <h1 to h6> <head>
Standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web display
CSS stands for cascading style sheets
CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed
Can be stored internally in the HTML file
Can Located in HTML using the <style> tags
Can be stored externally in a separate file
Javascript is used to program the behaviour of web pages
Alongside HTML and CSS, Javascript is one of the key technologies of the World Wide Web
Javascript enables interactive pages
Server scripting is a program written in code interpreted by a web server
Client side scripting is executed by a browser
Server only understands languages like PHP and python
Request by client to server is sent in HTML
Server interacts with DBMS which only understands SQL
Response by server sent back to the client in HTML
Indexing is the process by which search engines organise information before a search to enable super-fast responses to queries
Search engines use an inverted index to find webpages