Sarawakian Issues and Affairs: How These Things can Affect Public Perceptions of citizens in Kota Samarahan in the Upcoming Sarawak State Elections 2021
Varying degrees of perception towards the state administration from rural and urban voters
Malaysian Agreement 1963 (MA63) was among the biggest factor contributing to the results of the GE14 in Sabah and Sarawak (Chin, 2018)
Estimates of ethnicity, culture and religion are often used as sensational issues until the occurrence politicking based on ethnic politics in the social media platform (Tan & Johari, 2016)
Despite the amount of high levels of corruption proven in the state government, why does the rural voters still vote for BN/GPS?
What was the most serious issue, event or problem that is popular or prevalent among urban and rural voters?
What are the new challenges faced by all the political parties in Sarawak with all these recent current issues?
In a democracy, governess weaknesses and development undertaken by the government will be politicized by opposition parties and NGOs (Tan & Johari, 2016)
Various different issues
Sarawak and Sarawakians will stand to benefit as all politicians, both government and opposition, seek to outdo each other's endeavours to prove which side can benefit the state and the people more in a fierce political tussle for power which is fueled by many key issues (Onn, 2019)
Political thinking of youths in Malaysia are not static but have changed accordingly (Pandian, 2014)
There exists multi-layered contests for power and dominance among political parties of BN in Sarawak(Aeria, 2013).
Political campaigns by opposition parties touch on national issues, but rarely discussing on local issues. Sarawak voters are more inclined to local issues instead, especially issues which are closer to their hearts, such as Native Customary Rights (NCR) , infrastructure, and basic amenities (Abdul Rahim, Badaruddin, Salleh, Abdul Munir, Yusop, Mohd Nor, Ishak & Manan (2018).
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Four major factors have been identified that leads to triumph of PH and the fall of BN, which are: the existence of a credible representative and strong opposition, with the inclusion of Mahathir and two Malay/Bumiputra (“the natives”) political parties; the rupture of the elites within the ruling regime; the presence of impactful issues surrounding Najib's administration; and, the advancement of ICT as well as its impact on the emergence of a digital and much more participative society in Malaysia (Nadzri, 2019).