After all the information we gathered, we concluded that Homo erectus is the evolutionary ancestor of a Homo sapiens. This statement was made when we compared the location and periods of each organism. We started with Habitat and Diet which was acceptable for all primates and hominids because they all had Africa for their habitat and they all ate fruits and vegetables. Then, we separated it by either walking on four or two. Chimpanzees and Gorillas walked on four which is followed by the category of them having large canines. The rest of the hominids and humans were placed on the category of bipedal since they all traveled with two legs. Since Homo sapien fossils were found in Eastern Africa then the habitat of the Human Ancestor would be in Eastern Africa. Based on the periods we believe that Paranthropus boisei evolved into Homo erectus which evolved into Homo neanderthals and human beings. Homo Neanderthals and homo sapiens are closely related because homo Neanderthals went extinct just 40,000 years ago, which makes it impossible for humans to evolve from them. While Australopithecus Afarensis, Australopithecus Africanus, and Sahelanthropus Tchadensis are just relatives since their habitats are also in Africa but not specifically in Eastern Africa. Sources and evidence is stated in the Mind Map.