The ‘video-game.csv’ data set has a wide range of available data suitable for the Game-time review application, but some categories of information are unreliable and best unused for the task at hand. However, there is much more advantages from using this data set for the application being designed, such as having numerous game genre types, rating types, price ranges, console types, all of which can be utilised to make specific searches (based on categories) for the user to find games within the data set. These game search categories can be used to presented to the user with information when they click on the game, and this will provide more information, this will allow the user to decide if they want to follow up for more information regarding the game. Another feature useable from this is to present the user games in the order of maturity and critic ratings, this way the user doesn’t have to explore the app a lot further to find what they’re looking for. The main advantage of this data set is how specific /refined the search queries can be made in order to find what the user wants. However, this data set has a lot of unusable data fields throughout it such as; ‘YearReleasedSq’, ‘InUsedPrice’, ‘ReviewSq’ and etc. These data fields cannot be incorporated in the application as it is not information ideal users are expected to know, and so will not be meaningful if incorporated into search queries. Due to these disadvantages, the data set will have to be heavily modified in order to be used for the application.