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To what extent is Socialism unified? (COLLECTIVISM and COMMON HUMANITY…
To what extent is Socialism unified?
Social democrats
Trade Unions should have power
Class divide is more fluid
state provides the welfare and redistribution schemes needed to reduce class inequalities
Constitutional methods will bring about change
Webb - the 'inevitability of gradualness' - expansion of the state will deliver socialism peacefully
Webb was elitist and felt that the average voter was limited, selfish and uninformed and so rejected direct democracy and the 'self interested' nature of workers control
Fabian society = state is a necessity
Revolutionary Socialists
Workers need to overthrow capitalism not the state
The bourgeoisie use the state apparatus (eg. police) to maintain the obedience of the working class
Lenin and the Vanguard
Differing view of Luxemberg
Workers need to develop a full class consciousness to overthrow capitalism
Luxemburg - evolutionary socialism is not possible as capitalism is based on class exploitation
3rd Way
Tried to gain support from the middle classes as well as the workers
Need mass investment in education to enable people to progress
As workers are vital they should be at the centre of all agreements
Revolutionary Socialists
Equality of outcome - Agree - all differences are constructed by society (eg. by capitalism) - removes the market influence and makes sure everyone is equal (equity)
Equality of opportunity - Disagree - does not seek to remove capitalism and its structural inequalities
absolute equality - agree- everyone is the same - communism
Reform not abolish capitalism
Social democrats and 3rd Way
Equality of Outcome - Disagree - form of artificial social and economic 'levelling'
Equality of opportunity - Agree - 'level playing field' with no artificial barriers to success - allows for rewarding of talents, abilities and hardwork (meritocratic)
Equality of welfare - agree- accepts society is unequal but maintains that everyone is entitled to an equal minimum standard of living guaranteed by state provision
Believe in meritocracy
Equality ensures fairness - economic inequality is due to structural inequalities in society too a certain extent
Reinforces collectivism and cooperation
everyone has same basic needs so this will ensure that everyone's is satisfied
Revolutionary socialists
Inherently flawed tool of the ruling class to oppress the workers in society
Needs to be removed urgently
any attempt to humanise capitalism, a system based on inequality and exploitation undermines socialism
Materialism - we have lived in 3 stages of class exploitation: ancient society, Feudal society and capitalist society
Historical change is driven by dialect and will inevitably end in communism
alienation reaches its peak
Common ownership of the means of production
Social Democrats
Capitalism is a dependable creator of wealth but should be reformed to improve redistribution
Bernstein found that capitalism was not developing as Marxists suggested but instead was proving resilient and adaptable slowly redistributing wealth and ownership
shareholders instead on single owners
Mixed economy is best with mixture of private and nationalised industries
Crosland in '
The Future of Socialism
' suggested that now salaried managers, officials and technocrats control industry and they care about worker relations - so common ownership is not needed just social justice now
However causes conflict between economy and welfare
Crosland - the main aim of socialism now is to manage capitalism to deliver greater social equality and social justice
3rd Way
Endorse a dynamic market economy with global links as a means of achieving competitiveness and productivity
For example under New Labour the Private Sector became more involved with public services for example through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
also led to a reduction in taxation
Does not oppose great personal wealth if it helps improve the property of everyone
Welfare as a 'hand up not hand out'
Top down approach is inefficient financially and sociallly
Revolutionary socialism
Collective action should be organised through a centralised state who is in control of everything eg. In the USSR most industries were nationalised and land was collectivised
Base their view on class differences and inequality
Communism will create common harmony as people will become fully developed due to leading fulfilling work
Social democrats
should be more limited keeping aspects of capitalism alongside certain collectivism
Trade unions
Health care
creates a dependency culture and a sluggish workforce
Giving the group priority over the individual
community should take priority over the individual morally
Humans are social animals and human nature is moulded by social conditions
Distribution of goods and services should not be completely left to free market forces
cooperation is more productive
People naturally care about their community and the less fortunate
Eg. Owen and Fourier
3rd Way
Believe that personal autonomy should operate within communal based context based on mutual dependence and benefits balancing rights with responsbilities
For example New Labour got parents more involved with schools
Base their view on consensus and harmony
Giddens stressed the importance of community over class conflict