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Test 2 blood and cardiac system (Blood (Comprised of Plasma and formed…
Test 2 blood and cardiac system
Comprised of Plasma and formed elements
Plasma: 55%
Proteins: 7% of blood plasma
Albumins make 54% of proteins
Globulins 38%
Fibrinogens make 7% of proteins
made of WBC's and platelets, makes sm amount of blood
Neutrophils make 60-70 % of WBC
Formed elements: cells and platelets 45%
Transport: Oxygen and carbon dioxide + nutrients: sugar,fatty acids,amino acids, hormones
Regulation of
Body fluid and temperator distribution (water has high heat capacity)
blood buffer help regulate Blood pH
Carries hormones
Protection by:
Coagulation to prevent blood loss
callular immunity (WBC)
Humoral innunity by making antibodies
Blood cell lineages
Myeloid lineage: Develop in RED BONE MARROW
Erythorcyte facts
NO nucleus, or organelles
LIfe span 120 days, 4 month
Flexible biconcave disc that becomes less flexible with age, shape allows more gax exchange, w more surface area.
Erythoblast -> reticulocyte -> erythrocyte
globin protein consisting of 4 polypeptide chain ( 2 alpha and 2 beta chains)
1 heme pigment attaches to each polypeptide chain
each HEME has 1 ferrous iron (combines wit 1 oxygen) and 1 porphyrin ring
4 Oxygen molecules bind per hemoglobin
Carbon Dioxide binds to hemoglobin at polypeptide side NOT HEME
HbA: Adult
2 alpha and 2 beta chains
Hb F: Fetal
2 alpha and 2 gamma
swithces at birth
higher affinity for O2
Hb: S modified Hb A
sickle cell disease
hypoxia induced Hb clumping low O2
BUffer to reduce pH changes
Hydrogen ion binding to hemeglobin protein chain, decreasing affinity for O2
Lymphoid lineage, finish Develop in LYMPHATIC TISSUE(thymus)
DIfferentiation by Growth factors
Hematopoietic growth factors
Erythropoietin (EPO)
MADE IN KIDNEY, stimulates red bone marrow stem cells to produce red blood cell precursors. increases ocygen carrying capacity; TARGET TISSUE= RED BONE MARROW
Regulation of erythropoiesis
Hypoxia (lack of oxygen delivery to cells is sensed by Kidney-> increases erythtopoietin secreted into blood -> RBmarrow makes more reticulocyte enter blood -> larger # of RBC's into circulation
Iron- makes heme
VItamin B12 and folic acid : cofactors for enxymes for DNA), production of RBC's and precursers
Intrinsic Factor
1 more item...
Thrombopoietin (TPO)
MADE IN LIVER: stimulates platelet production from megakaryocytes
Granulocyte MAcrophage Colony Stimulating Factor
(GM-CSF): stimulates WBC production.GIven to replaceWBC killd by chemo
decrese in amout of oxygen associated with hemoglobin and other respiratory compounds, in response to low blood pH, resulting from increase conc. of carbon dioxide
H+Hb lowered O2 affinity for hemeglobin
O2 released in tissue->metabolism in tissue
HEmeglobin have higher affinity for )2 in the lungs
Carbon MOnoxide poisioning
CO has higher affinity to HEME than O2, preventing O2 from binding, leading to no O2
Blood grouping anf blood type
RBC surface have genetically determined glyproteins & glycolipids
Blood path in heart
Inferior vena cava and superior vena cava go to right atrium
through Tricuspid valve, into right ventricle
Passes pulminary valve to Pumlinary artery(lungs)
Pulminary veins go to left atrium
passes mital/ bicuspid valve into left ventricle
passes aortic valve to Aorta, sends to body
Left ventricle
chordae tendineae anchor bicuspid valve to papillary muscles in LV
aortic semilunar valves regulate blood flow into aorta, just above valve OPENING OF CORONARY ARTERY
LEft atrium: Recieves blood from 4 pulminary veins
Right ventricle
forms most of anterior view
Chordae tendineae attach AV valves to papillary miscles on ventricular walls
pulmonary semilunar valves regulates blood flow into pulminary trunk
RIght atrium
recieves blood from superior and inferior vena cava & coronary sinus
seperated by septum (other atrium)
Fossa ovalis is remnant of fetal foramen ovale
Heart histology
Pericardial sac (membrane surrounding heart)
Fibrous pericardium (outer): anchors to diaphragm, prevents over stretch
Serous pericardium (inner): secretes fluid to lubricate heart, has parietal and visceral layer
Myocardium: muscular layer
endocadium: inner most layer, inside of heart
Cardiac muscle histology
Branching cells, joined by intercalated discs with gap junctions
cardiac muscle cells are involuntary & striated
Pericardial cavity filled with pericardial fluid
Review Questions
what structure does heart rest on?
which layer of pericardium is inner most layer?
Entry points of the heart?
what is heart muscle called?
mediastium and heart infection?
Is oxygenated blood in L or R side?
differences btw 2 functional pumps?
which ventricle has thicker wall?
where does coronary sinus drain?
how many cusps in the right AV valves?
will AV valves and SL valves open at the same time?
what is function of fibrous skeleton?
consequences of papillary muscle failure?
ATRIA are thin walled, producing little pressure (receiving)
VENTRICLE walls that are much thicker and stronger
RIght ventricle supplies low pressure floe to the lungs
Left ventricle wall is thicker to supply systemic circulation
Fiberous skeleton of Heart
dense conn tissue rings around heart valves
insertion for muscle bundles
Electrical insulator btw atria and ventricles
Heart chambers
valves of heart
2 atroventricular valves
tricuspid and bicuspid/mitral
AV nodes are normally oprn and allow blood entering the atria to flow into the ventricle
During ventricular contraction AV laves close to prevent backflow
chordae tendinae and pap muscles prevent valve cusp from everting
2 Semilunar valves
pulminary and aortic
aortic valve and pulmonary valve
three pocket arrangment
SL valves are closed at rest, bc high pressure
SL valves open when ventricles contract
Anterior view of heart
Most is RIght ventricle
Posterior view of heart
most is Left ventricle
Coronary arteries
Branches of aorta above aortic semilunar valve
LEFT coronary artery: circumflex artery supploes left atrium and left ventricle
RIGHT coronary artery : mainy supplies right ventricle
Posterior interventricular artery: supplies posterior side of both ventricles
drains into large sinus on posterir surface (coronary sinus)
coronary sinus empties into right atrium
Conduction of heart
SA node -> AV node-> AV bundles/ Bundles of HIS -> bundle branches -> Conduction myofibers/ Purkinje Fibers