Gorillas are at the start of the evolutionary tree because they have the least in common with the humans at the end of the tree. Also, gorillas are at the bottom because they are the oldest, so they couldn't be a more recent and more evolved species. Gorillas share the trait of being a hominid with all other species on the tree. They also all have the same bones, just in different sizes made to support different statutes and sizes. The chimpanzee evolved from the gorilla. It originated 11 million years ago. The evolution separating the chimpanzee and gorilla is having a larger brain and a smaller body. Chimpanzees evolved from gorillas to have a smaller body and not have a tail to climb better. Sahelanthropus Tchaedensis lived 7-6 million years ago. They were the first family of primates that later evolved into homo sapiens. The genus name ‘Sahel’ means an area of Africa near the southern Sahara, ‘anthropus’ meaning ‘man’ in Greek, and Chad, a recognitionfrom where the specimens have been discovered. Overall it’s name means 'the Sahel man from Chad'. Discoveries of this specimen contains many hominid features and is known as the oldest human ancestor after splitting their hominid lines from chimpanzees/gorillas, and humans. Australopithecus afarensis evolved from the Sahelanthropus Tchaedensis from up to 3.7 to 3 million years ago. Not just because it lived after the Sahelanthropus Tchaedensis, but because it evolved into its surroundings causing some changes and leaving some surroundings. The Australopithecus africanus evovled from the Australopithecus afarensis because it lived 3.3 to 2.1 million years ago. This was right after the lifespan of the Australopithecus afarensis. The same thing goes for the Paranthropus boisei, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalis, and Homo sapiens. The Paranthropus boisei lived from 2.3 to 1.2 million years ago and later on became the ancestor of the Homo erctus, which lived after the Paranthropus boisei because of its evolution. The Homo erectus had very similar face structures to Homo sapiens because they were very close ancestors of homo sapiens and went extinct not long before the lifespan of Homo sapiens. Homo neanderthalis was the last ancestor before Homo sapiens therefore most of its features are what we have now. Altough as time has passed we have also changed into our surroundings to be able to addapt into our enviornment to survive. Homo sapiens, the specimen we humans are right now, are the most adapt to the world which goes for howlong we have lived on this earth. We have learned to adapt to almost all of our surroundings that we will probably live for mant more years without any new evolutions occuring.