

Checking out a location for suitability for filming/ recording/ photography.


  • Location (how to get there)
    • Access & Car parking
    • Lighting
  • Availability of power for lights
  • Health & safety requirements
    • Environmental considerations (noise ,flora, fauna)
    • Other potential issues
    • Confirmation that it’s suitable

Risk assessments

  • Identify Hazards
  • Decide who might be harmed
    • Evaluate risks, decide on precautions
    • Record findings
    • Review assessment,update through project

Safe working practice

Working with electricity Lifting heavy equipment Using computers Working at height

Copyright, Trademarks, Intellectual Property

Copyright: Copyright, Designs & Patents Act (1988) - protects people’s work, including: makers of a film, computer game designer, autors, composers.

Key facts: Limited Time: in the UK that means 70 years after the original person’s death.

Copyright expired: After this, changes to Public Domain; can be used freely by anyone.

Copyright transferable: the owner may not be the original owner.

Trademarks: Identifies an organisation or product. Their use is protected by law; e.g. Logos

Royalty Free: elements can be used without the need to pay royalties (fee paid to the original owner). Rules of copyright still apply.

Creative commons- This is a licence agreement set by the creator, it allows you to use their copyrighted material. CC BY: Can use material, must quote source CC BY NC: Can use material, must quote source, must be non commercial use

Data Protection

Protects your personal data. Made up of 8 principles: ● Fairly and lawfully processed ● Processed for limited purposes ● Adequate, relevant, not excessive ● Accurate ● Not kept for longer than is necessary ● Processed in line with your rights ● Secure ● Not transferred to countries who don’t have their data protection laws.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations 2018) GDPR is not mentioned in the specification, and so shouldn’t appear in the exam. But just be aware it is a new EU wide Data Protection legislation

click to edit

Defamation: damage to someone’s reputation such as slander or libel.

Slander: to make false verbal statement that damages a person’s reputation.

Libel: to make a false statement in writing that damages a person’s reputation.

Privacy: covered by EU convention of Human Rights. Article 8 - “a right to respect for private and family life, your home and correspondence.

Censorship: artists/filmmakers are not allowed to show their complete work. Certification: Informs the audience on the suitability of the content. Important when thinking about Target Audience. Classification: Factors that affect classification according to age ratings include: ● Violence ● Strong language ● Scenes of a sexual nature