Heart Attack/Mitral valve failure

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blockage in the coronary artery due to plaque build up.

60 y/o woman w/ history of obesity and DM 2

pulmonary circulation

urinary system

mitral regurgitation

high blood pressure (pulmonary hypertension)

inadequate blood flow to extremities

increased blood pressure on the L. Atrium and veins coming from the lungs

fluid build up in lungs


risk of kidney damage

frequent urination; incontinence.

low RBC

inadequate blood flow to brain

dysautonomia; failure of the autonomic nervous system.


Heart sounds


blood pathway

valve and papillary muscles role

Dubb;closure of aortic and pulmonary artery at the end of systole

Lubb; closure of bicuspid and tricuspid valve at the start of systole

Right Atrium

tricuspid AV valve

Right ventricle

pulmonary SL valve

pulmmonary arteries


pulmonary veins

Left Atrium

bicuspid AV valve

Left Ventricle

Aortic SL valve


sup. and inf. vena cava

contracting to prevent prolapse during systole

respiration rate

blood pressure

circulation through the blood vessels

vital role in pumping the
blood throughout the body completely.

blood pressure goes down when heart relaxes

respiratory sinus arrythmia (RSA)

inhale: incr. HR

exhale: decr. HR

cardiac output

mean arterial pressure load

stroke volume


heart rate

peripheral resistance


60-100 BPM

amount of blood pumped in one sitting

stroke volume X heart rate = cardiac output (4.7 L)

average blood pressure during one cardiac cycle

ventricular filling


resistance of arteries to blood flow

the force the heart has to eject blood against

R/L atria and R/L ventricles


blood vessels

arteries, veins, and capillaries

Atroventricular Valve and Semilunar valve

lack of calcium; negative chronotropic drugs