The Zapotec were an inactive culture. They were a well-progressed in human advancement, living in huge towns and towns, in houses developed with stone and mortar. They recorded the primary occasions in their history by methods for hieroglyphics, and in fighting they utilized a cotton defensive layer.The Zapotec pantheon is as rich and dazing as some other Mesoamerican religion is to present day eyes with the standard gods for such significant organizations on the human condition as downpour, sun, wind, earth, and war. Probably the most significant divine beings were the Bat-god - the lord of corn and richness, Beydo - divine force of seeds and wind, Cocijo (who had a human body with panther and snake highlights with a forked tongue) - the downpour and lightning god, Pitao Cozobi - the corn god, Copijcha (symbolized by the macaw) - the divine force of the sun and war, Coquebila - lord of the world's inside, Huechaana - a mother goddess additionally connected with chasing and angling, Kedo - divine force of equity, Ndan - the hermaphroditic divine force of the seas, Pixee Pecala the lord of adoration, and Coqui Xee - the maker god who spoke to endlessness.