Evolution/Human Family Tree

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Charles darwin learned that all living things have a common ancestor.

In a family, there are differences (variations)

Natural selection explains how life started

Organisms that fit their environment the best will survive and reproduce

Natural Selection is the same thing as survival of the fittest

Natural selection causes evolution

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Paleontologists found fossils of past humans

The oldest human fossil was found in Africa

Humans and apes share a common ancestor

Modern humans are homo sapiens (wise human)

Humans are primates

Humans adapted to have larger brains, use tools, and create communities.

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Charles Darwin came up with the Theory of Evolution

He disagreed with other scientists because he believed that evolution takes a long time to happen.

He traveled and learned about many different plants and animals to observe their differences.

On the islands he observed that the animal were different based on their location/environment.

He wrote the book called the Origin of Species

The theory of evolution is supported by lots of evidence such as genetics and heredity

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A body fossil is part of the living thing

Not everything becomes a fossil

There are other types of fossils such as trace, mold, and cast

Oil and gas comes from fossils (fossil fuels)

A fossil is the remains of a once-living thing

Over millions of years, plants decomposed into fossil fuels

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Plants adapt to get sunlight by growing towards the sun

Plants adapt to get nutrients (food) by using soil, animals, and other plants

Plants adapt to get water by having roots underground

Plants adapt to reproduce by spreading their seeds (pollen)

Livings thing need to adapt to meet their needs.

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Spanish flu killed a number of people

Vaccines are used to fight off viruses

The flu virus can cause symptoms, such as a fever

There are different strains (versions) of the virus

Flu is caused by a virus

Viruses can mutate and evolve

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99% of all living things have gone extinct

Climate change can lead to the extinction of species

Extinction is when the whole species dies out.

Evolutionary pressures can also lead to extinction

About 65 million years ago, all dinosaurs went extinct.

Human activities affect the environment, which can cause extinction

Homo Group Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 2.48.44 PM

Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.15.19 PM Australopithecus group Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 1.14.38 PM

Paranthropus Group Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 3.17.23 PM

Ardipithecus Group Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 2.39.33 PM 1

This group was able to walk staright however they still climbed trees they lived around 3.3 million years ago. They lied in various places in Africa.

These are our oldest ancestors which were the closest to other animals and they started to make progress into walking. They mostly lived in eastern and western aftrica

We are in this category which means that we have discovered the whole world instead of just staying in Africa and we also have bigger brains compared to our ancestors

Living in Eastern and Southern Africa at this time humans had extremely strong teeth which helped them eat several different foods.