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лексикологія 1 (The structure of English vocabulary (vocabulary (system …
лексикологія 1
The structure of English vocabulary
the sum of all words,
word equivalents
phraseological units
means that all words are interrelated, interconnected and interdependent
are influenced by extra-linguistic reality.
The extralinguistic(тлумачення, позалінгвістичні звязки) relationships
the connections of words to objects of reality which they denote.
to investigate lexical and sense relations (що означає це словоспоучення)
we should study the word's relationships with other words in typical
(combinability - сполучність)
we shoud study the combinability of one word with the other
terminal disease, degenerative disease
The relationship of collocation (взаємозвязок словосполучень)
is a fundamental relation
it is a marriage contract between words: some of them are more firmly married to each other than others.
'she has a beige car’ but not 'she has beige hair',
'she has blond hair’ but not 'she has a blond car '
when we choose one words from others, other kinds of relationship exists btw them
how similar or how different they are to one another,
how they may or may not substitute for one another & so on.
how they are related to one another in terms of(з точки зору) their meaning;
a relationship between words when they are arranged in texts, spoken or written.
F. de Saussure
paradigmatic relationship
relationaship that are based on the interdependence(взаємозалежності) of words within the vocabulary
The words in such relations form a paradigm, a set of examples that show a pattern(система - що вони всі дієслова, набір чогось схожого)
We might feel, for instance, that ‘approve’ and ‘accept’ are quite close in meaning to ‘reject’ or that ‘scheme’ and ‘plan’ are quite similar & so on.
can exist in various possible groupings (одне слово може бути в быльше ніж в одній групі), subsystems within the system of the vocabulary.
word families (споріднені слова) - words with a common root
(одна нога одружилась з іншою)
hand, handy, handful
synonymic sets(звязки) - words which have similar lexical meaning
(вони люблять пятки один одного
to like, to love, to be fond of, to enjoy, to addre, to worship
antonyms - words with the opposite meaning
(коліна постійно б'ються, не поєднюються між собою)
busy - idle, to accept - to reject
thematic groups - have a common sphere of reference
(тематична татуха в цілої групи там)
names of parts of a human body (e. g. a leg, hand, head, fort, arm),
colour terms,
names of animals,
Lexical(слова) (or semantic fields) - having a common(загальний) semantic(змістовий) component (denominator)
pleasant emotions' (joy, happiness, enjoyment, gaiety, to enjoy, tо be glad, to be pleased, pleasure, etc. );
hyponomy (inclusion -одне слово включає інше)
Hyponomy organizes words into taxonomies, or hierarchical tree-type diagrams.
At the top of the hierarchy there is a 'superordinate' (всезагального) term, those below it are its 'hyponyms',
(живіт є домом для глистів)
a 'house' is a hyponym of building'
stylistic layers - include words with a common sphere of usage.
colloquial words: here you are, hello, bye-bye, awfully sorry
syntagmatic relationships
relationship between words that go together(сполучаються) in syntactic phrases.
very sad - syntagmatic relationships (два слова які зазвичай разом)
She was very sad(syntactic phrase) bc of a bad day.
relations between words within a chain, within a concrete utterance (or left-to-right textual relationships)
They are based upon the linear character of speech.
The + plan, application, scheme, proposal + was + rejected, approved, submitted, accepted + by the committee. (можуть мінятись але зазвичай йдуть разом)
Diachronically the interdependence of words within lexical subsystems
can be shown on the examples of changes that the meanings of words undergo when a new word is introduced into their semanitc sphere.
For instance, in OE the word harvest originally meant a) gathering crops, and b) the period when this was done(осінь)
In the 14-th century the word autumn was borrowed from French and it ousted native word harvest in its second meaning.
Links of Lexicology with other branches of Iinguistics.
Phonetics (фотоапарат)
phonetic means are used to create new words
(фотоапарат фоткає і квіти вилізають щоб сфоткатись)
change of accent which forms verbs from nouns:
present(n) – present(v)
object(n) – object(v)
insult(n) - insult(v) – образа, ображати
change of the root sound
[s] – [z]: close(adj) – close(v);
use(n) – use(v)
[u] – [i]: food(n) – feed(v)
the problem of lexicology
studies the outer sound form of the word.
(фотоапарат вивчаэ зовнішню форму дівчинки)
grammatical means are used in the formation of new words:
the iflexion of plurality s
custom (tradition)
customs (pl form & duties(мито) on goods imported from another country)
carrot (a plant, a vegetable)
carrots (red hair),
this is the problem of lexicology
different means of expressing grammatical relation bts words and the patterns(система)
after which the words are combined into the word groups and sentences.
History of the language
helps us to understand many peculianities in the English vocabulary
the original connections between words which do not seem to be connected nowadays: dish - disk, shy - sky,
дивиться на небо яке соромиться його
why such words as machine, regime are stressed in an unusual way (the stress on the last syllable)
машини знизу їдуть біля вовків, це не типово
a sound as [3] exists in some English words (it is not typical of English) (pleasure, measure, etc.)
(це тає задоволення сидіти на дереві і міряти свій )
how synonyms and homonyms appeared (Rock - a genre of music / a stone) appeared
(кидає в небо камінь але той камінь падає на нього)
Lexicology studies the vocabulary of different functional styles: neutral, literary-bookish, coloquial. (вивчає волосини різних стилів)
My father is not at home now - My dad is out - I'm proud of my parent
functional meaning (збоку є табличку з функціями залило водою)
usage of a word, ( не знала як користуватись і зачіску перед весіллям зіпсувала )
its expressive force, (наскільки сильно воно може виразитись і видерти волосся)
its reference to different styles. (їнє відношення до різних типів волосся)
The subject matter of lexicology (предмет лексикології)
Every word consist of several elements
General Linguistics
studies the language from all these angles
History of the language
is a component part(складова) of all the four branches
because many facts can't be understood without historical analysis.
2 Greek morphemes:
(викл грек і має дівчину гречку)
lexis - "word, phrase",
леся, говорить лише слова і фрази, речення сказати не можу
that is why lex is concerned with
( тому що леся займалася )
deals with (вона повинна працювати з)
the vocabulary of a language
different properties of words
(властивостями вокалу)
units and morphems which make up words
(добавляє до слів "мур")
logos - "learning", "knowledge".
в нього в мозу є лего, через те він любить вчитись і має багато знань
(сидить ночами читаючи інфу про неї) a
nd describe the origin ,development and current use of the vocabulary.
(пише вірші які описують її походження, розвиток, теперішній стан її рота)
General Lexicology
(повсякденний одяг носить)
is the general study of the vocabulary. It doen't pay attention to specific features of any particular language
( не придає значення прикрасам)
general laws, characteristic of the word in the vocabulary of every language
(спереду висить інструкція як з нею поводитись)
(на спині її характерисина - бєшена)
Special Lexicology
(особливий одяг носить)
describes peculiarities in the vocabulary of a given language.
is based on the principles of General Lexicology (forms a part of General Linguistics)
is divided into
(її одяг може бути з історичних часів)
deals with the history of the vocabulary
shows its change and development in the course of time
(зміна одягу зверху до низу: на горі гола, на низу вільні штани)
uses the diachronic method of study
(одяг коли вона була дівчинкою)
dia - "through",
chronos - "time"
(в дитинстві могла переступаи через час)
was borrowed trom French in the form of beggar
1 more item...
(сидить за партою)
deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development (without taking its history into account)
uses the
synchronic method of study
(і каже сук)
syn - "together"
chronos - "time"
(сук означає разом)
(derived from)
to beg
(with the help of suffix)
which is a variant of the suffix
Both methods
may be used simultaneously when necessary.
Specific features of the present-day English word-stock.
1) мама дає сину багато коротких,1 копійок за гарні оцінки, але це його не мотивувує бо він хоче грошей
2) за совою полюють гомосексуали з 1 пеніс.
3) в скарбах була змія є трьома головами і новий словник англ мови який ще світ не бачив
4) слово заходить в квартиру до своїх друзів і там отримають значення стоячи біля кожного з них.
макроконтекс - будинок цілий, мікроконтекст - друзі
контекст - мінімальна людина, яка достатньо для того щоб вибрати підходщу паличку з всіх статуеток змій
5) багато знаті позичало хліб в бідних
a lot of short, one-syllable, non-motivated words
say, ask, lay, cat.
a lot of homonyms,
Oxford Dictionary
one-syllable words:
bat - (a) a zoological term, (b) instrument;
tap - (a) an object (water tap), (b) physical contact.
легко вдаряти; стукати to tap on the shoulder — поплескати
a lot of polysementic words
New English Dictionary (NED)
the first
of most frequent words in English may express
context determine the meanings of words
green years (young), green fruit (not ripe), green teacher (inexperienced), heavy bag (weighty), heavy sky (cloudy), heavy taxes (high), (stormy).
"context" - the minimum stretch of speech necessary and sufficient to understand which of the possible meanings of a polysemantic word is used.
Blue eyes, to feel blue,
the wall of the house, the wall of indifference
In some cases the microcontext (i. e. a sentence or a syntagma) is not enough and a broader context which is called macrocontext is necessary.
- loaned words
- native elements.