73rd Constitutional Amendment 1992
The Panchayats Part IX A243 - 243O
243 Definition
Gram Sabha(Village)
Panchaayath for rural
243 A Gram Sabha
Village level functions as per state legislature
Three tier system
243 B Constitution of Panchayat
3 tier shall be in every state
NA for states with population less than 20 lakhs
243 C Composition of Panchayat
234 D Reservation of seats
243 E Duration of Panchayat
243 F Disqualification of members
243 G Power and Responsibility
243 H Power to impose tax
243 I Constitution of Finance Commission
243 J Audits
243 K Elections
243 L Application to UT
243 M Excluded area
243 N Continuance of existing laws
243 O Bar to interference by Courts in Electoral matters
Chairperson - 3 Levels
Indirect election
Members - 3 levels
Direct Elections
As determined by State LEG
Accordance with state LEG
1/3rd for women (inc. SC/ST)
5 years
If dissolved
less than 6 months to expire
More than 6 months to expire
No fresh election
Fresh elections
Appoint new body for remainder
If disqualified under the Statutes of concerning state leg (ex: Kerala State Panchayathi Raj Act)
Any other Laws of State Leg
Min age of disqualification 21
Plans for economic development & Social Justice
implementation of schemes for ED and SJ
In relation to 29 items in 11th schedule
State Leg may
Authorise to collect panchayat taxes
Assign to collect state tax
Provides grand in aid form Consolidated fund of states
Provide constitutional funds
Governor-5 years-appoint FC for advise in
243 H provisos
Measures to improve financial position
Matter referred by Governor for sound finance
Central FC can also do the same
According to State LEG
By State Election Commission
As per the president by public notification
Includes exceptions & modifications
Scheduled areas & Tribal areas in states
Hilly areas of Manipur with District Councils
Darjeeling(WB) with Gorkha Hill council
All state laws regarding PJR will be void within an year of this act
State shall adopt new Act in accordance
Exisiting PJR institutions can continue their term unless dissolved by State leg
Courts cannot intervene in electoral practices of PJR
Voluntary Provisions
Giving MP & MLA representation @ diff levels
OBC reservations
Making them autonomous body
243 G
243 H
Provision of Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA 1996)
Part IX N/A to Schedule 5
Self rule for tribal population
Participatory Democracy to Gram Sabhas
Administrative + Cultural framework
Prevent concentration of power among higher athorities