Sarah's Biography Project on Gianna Bryant

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Early Life

Her Birth



She was born on May 1st 2006 in Orange County,California.

Her mom was 24 when she had her.

Her oldest sisters name is Natalia Bryant.

He was Gianna's personal coach.

Her dads name is Kobe Bryant

He was a NBA player and won five Championships

Ever since Gianna was little she always wanted to be a professional basketball player.

She started playing basketball when she was very little.

Her second youngest sister is Bianka Bryant.

She is 3 years old and was born on December 5th, 2016.

Gianna's youngest sister is Capri Bryant.

She is only 8 months old.

Gianna's mom Vanessa Bryant.

She is 37 and her birthday is May 5th, 1982. She is a model.


She passed away from a helicopter crash on her way to her basketball game with her dad and seven other passengers.

Her dad was 28 when her mom had her.

None of the people on the helicopter survived.

She was 13 when she passed away.

When she was boring her first sister was Natalia.

She died on January 26th, 2020.

Natalia plays volleyball and she is 17 years old. She was born on January 19th, 2003.

Gianna loved her mom and dad.

She loved all of her siblings.

Facts about Gianna.

Her birthday is 4 days away from her mom Vanessa.

Gianna and her dad had the same nickname, they were called black mamba.

His birthday is August 23 1978.

Gianna's idol was Gabby Williams. She is a professional basketball player.

Her dad Kobe coached her middle school basketball team.