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Students wait till 1 pm so they can sit with their friends meaning their are large ques consequently making them late for period 4 tarnishing their education and students potentially getting into trouble, in addition the teachers get annoyed at the students for all arriving at different times
The members of staff at refectory frequently tell students they have to walk back to house alone and usually end up sitting alone, this is resulting in the increasing amount of people not eating lunch meaning they cannot focus properly in period 4
At Wymondham college it is as though there are 5 separate schools within 1, we understand that Wymondham College takes pride in our house system however we spend all our time within our houses ( mair cup, sports day, break time, boarders sleeping in houses, tutor time etc.) And we believe we should have at least a lunchtime everyday to develop friendships and connections with people from other houses
At Wymondham college we take pride in the diversity and freedom within a friendly environment, this is completely juxtaposed when friendship groups consisting of a mix of houses walks into the refectory and one member of the friendship group is sent back to house by themselves, leaving them feeling isolated and lonely
It is extremely hard for day students to develop any friendship groups as once you have made a friendship group in lessons/classes, you cant then sit with them in the free time we have at the college, this inevitably leaves students alone and leaving them feeling unnecessarily upset
Having spoken to many of the students in the college, we found that the majority of students (myself included) don't have any friends within their house leaving them with no choice but to go through the inconvenience of moving houses, this means that the students have to buy new uniform, the head of houses and other teaches have to move the students, change their tutor groups ect. this takes time that could go towards more important tasks.
We believe that we speak for most of the students when we say that we would rather eat in year groups rather than houses following a rota, year 11s eating first (like they do now) then alternating each exeat like the houses do, this way all the years get to take it in turns to eat at certain time. We believe this way the students are much more likely to stick to the correct eating time, rather than 'sneaking' in when there not meant to.
How will the refectory staff know what years students are in?
We understand that this is the main obstacle in our campaign but we have come up with a possible solution
Year group badges, we thought that students should wear a badge on their blazer with there year group on it, or a different colour badge for each year
Cost - How are we going to fund these badges. After doing some research we thought that the prices of the badges for the 950 students in the school would be roughly £150-£200. If we are given the ok/ go ahead we believe that we can fund raise for these badges by cake sales and other events. However the school does already provide badges for the behavior points miles stones and principal awards.
Fundraising for these badges - Break time cake sales - Jumble sales ect.
Year group sittings have been tested before and hasn't worked why will it be any different this time?
We understand that 6 years ago, this system was tried and tested before and unfortunately behavior was not up to standards, we believe that if we test year group sittings again ultimately we are different students with new, different rules, we believe that the students want year group sittings enough so will be prepared to behave properly
From being told by teachers who were involved with the last testing we understand that the main problem is the behavior of the students back at house was the main issue, for the majority of lunchtime the head of house and housing staff will be back at house to monitor behavior back at house however for one sitting the head of house will be in refectory monitoring that year groups behavior
How will we staff the refectory and back at house at all times?
A solution- For each year group sitting a head of house could come over to the refectory to monitor that year groups behavior meanwhile a house parent or other housing staff could monitor the other year groups back at house so each head of house could be nominated a year group to monitor seeing as there're 5 year groups and 5 head of houses
We would stick with the same sittings and timings, year 11s going first and then alternating year group times each exeat this way students are more likely to stick to their sitting rather than sneaking in at the wrong time
Students are going into lunch at the wrong time in order to sit with their friends, this is resulting in the refectory staff having to send the students back to house, meaning the refectory staff are being taken away from more important tasks