On the question of God's foreknowledge, Anselm argues that God knows what will happen beforehand because he can see all moments of time at once. Humans, on the other hand, only know what happens after it has happened, because our minds work in a linear way. We can only see what happens today, we cannot change what happened yesterday, and we cannot see what will happen tomorrow - hence, from this perspective, only the present reality exists as the past is gone and cannot be changed and the future has not happened yet and therefore, doesn't exist yet. This view is called Presentism (Human knowledge) and contrasts with Anselm's understanding of how time works for God, for God is timeless and spaceless (not limited by either), whereas humans are limited by both time and space. This is Anselm's four-dimentionalist view of the timelessness of God. According to Anselm, God sees the past and the future in the same way as he sees the present as the past and future exist in the same was as the present exists (analogous to you watching a film that switches time between past, present and future - here you know that you are living in the present, but when you immerse yourself in the film, you almost feel as if you are n the past/future alongside the characters and when it ends, you know you are firmly in the present again, looking forward to whatever you are going to do next (in the future). God, therefore, inhabits/experiences all 4 dimensions (length, width, height and eternity) and is in control of space and time (inhabiting past, present and future as once), whilst humans, restained by space and time, can only move freely between the 3 spacial dimensions and do not experience eternity.