Research Project To Investigate Teacher and Student Views on the Effectiveness of Marking for Progress and Learning

Rationale (300 words)

Literature Review


Data Analysis

Results and Findings

Impact on Future Practice

Formative marking is changing dramatically in schools

Personal discussion with Headteacher at setting?


Elliott et al. 2016

Hattie and Timperley 2007

Winstone et al. 2017

Effectiveness of marking

Assessment for Learning or Assessment of Learning?

Teacher Workload

My Experience

Child relevance - a lot of research but not a lot that actually considers children's opinions on marking which is what is most important

Interpretivist action research




Triangulation and mixed methods

Newby 2010

Thematic analysis

Braun and Clarke 2008

Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Thinking critically in education - Karakoc, 2016 Lucia et al 2017 (dissertation)