Oxytocin-uterus and breast-stimulates urine contractions, initiates labor, initiates milk ejection.
Antidiuretic hormone-kidneys-stimulate kidney tubule cells to reabsorb water from the forming urine back into blood.
Growth Hormone-liver,muscle,bone,cartilage-stimulates somatic growth, mobilizes fats, spares glucose.
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone-Thyroid gland- stimulates thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones.
Luteinizing Hormone- Ovaries and Testes- in females it triggers ovulation and stimulates ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone. In males, promotes testosterone production.
Prolactin-Breast-Promotes lactation
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone- ovaries and testes-in females, it stimulates ovarian follicle maturation and production of estrogen. In males, it stimulates sperm production.
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone- Adrenal Cortex- Promotes release of glucocorticoids and androgen.