5.2 Extinction and Protecting Species

Evolution doesn't increase or decrease biodiversity

Extinction decreases biodivers

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Background extinvtio rate typically amounts to a loss of about 1 species per year for 1m species leaving on earth

99% of all species that have existed are extinct

Specitayyion increases biodiversity

If you will take 5 million to 10 million years for natural speciation to replace the species that have become extinct during this century

Speciation rate faster than extinction rate, so biodiversity increases over time

Some species are more vulnerable to extinction

Dot't breed frequently


generalists on the other hand are more likely to adapt to human dominated landscapes

High Trophic levels

Live in small range

Commercially valuable

Treaties and laws to protect animals

CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)

Convention on Biological Diversity

The US Endangered Species Act

Protecting Species Ex

Seebanks and botanical gardens

Wildlife Farms

Zoes and aquariums

There has been 5 mass extinctions throughout history

Causes of extinctions

Extinctionrates have increased as the human population has grown and spread over most of the globe

Global warming or cooling

Change in sea levels and ocean water acidity

Volcanic eruptions

Large asteroids

Competitions from newly migrated species