Increased competitive advantage** (implicitly, due to contribution of the other 4 factors) - targeted CSR effort on environmental efforts, branding strategy - the want to be first to do it (bc ppl can't rmb who's second) they position well. they're looking to compete globally and they foresaw the trend of environmental, and they want to be seen. but they testbed in sg bc sg quite small so they get a lot of publicity (if other bigger country then congested the focus might be diluted out). also, when they start to build environmentally friendly buildings, cost of construction increases. they then found the cost efficient way to do it. then they tell the govt to raise the standards for all other buildings. then w this high standards set, then other ppl cost increase then they have cost advantage. that's their competitive advantage i.e. spoil market
even their stakeholders very targeted youths, art scene, charity. why art scene - premium brand image. ppl who can afford art are ppl who can buy their condo (project that they have good taste; they invite ppl who appreciate art so that's an opportunity to connect w potential customers). youths - potential customer/employee (we might be successful). charity - could be linked to founder's ethos. emotional appeal. (in sg, if you don't know what to do, just donate to charity still a good move bc emotional appeal you're seen doing good work)