issue classified by impact and urgency - high impact high urgency = immediate attention, low impact low urgency = no action (but if you choose to monitor, you are monitoring if the issue becomes more complicated that it becomes high impact; depending on resources - if you have, can monitor, else no action.) low urgency, high impact = delayed action (its actually quite close to monitoring). low impact, high urgency = no action (textbook answer; bc impact is so low you don't want to act) e.g.some ppl that make a compliant v high urgency to that person, but it depends on whos that person. we dont have to respond to every stakeholders demand bc if we do, we will be depleted in our resources and urgency. to indicate response, it's impact not urgency (e.g. friend messaging you, what kind of friend etc). [[for strategic issue management framework, focus on impact/urgency classification]]