Politics in 17th-early 18th Century

There were 2 types of monarchies:

Absolute: monarchs had greater control over nobles and the economy, politics, and religion

Parliamentary: monarchs had less authority over nobles and they were often limited in power


Louis XIV replaced his high nobles with his friends/ministers

Edict of Fontainbleau removed Protestant schools and Huguenot churches

Colbert tried to get more money

Louis' wars put France in heavy debt

Louis got Stratsbourg, part of HRE

After Louis, nobles couldn't do anything


Henry IV had the nobility supervised and stopped abuses of sales

Duke of Sully (Finance minister) made a monopoly of gunpowder, mines, salt

Royal corvee (tax paying for workers)

Canal system Atlantic - Mediterranean

Louis XIII became king after Henry IV - Mom had arranged marriage and promoted Richelieu

Richleieu imprisoned nobles, ruled out Protestantism, conquered Huguenot cities


James II was killed when attacking Scotland

Robert Walpole took helm of the government (1715)

Extended trade, collected money, political life became a model

Affected North America

Mazarin was trained by Richelieu, and was allowed to dominate the government (by Anne of Austria)

People disliked Mazarin

First Fronde: Nobles of the Fronde started in Paris, compromised ended

Second Fronde: Nobles of the Sword (medieval swords) were interested in overthrowing Mazarin to secure their positions and increase their own power, bu they started to fight each other instead of Mazarin