'Here's the Truth. We don't Know: How False reports of Boston bombing arrest left media outlets scrambling.'
National Post
The Associated Press
April 17, 2013
My reaction
It's hard to know the truth when the reporting is so different.
Opposing views
My opinion
Reporting on the incident in the moment is good but I think it is still better to tell viewers the facts that are known no matter how small with a notice that the rest of the story will be reported as information comes to light.
Ways a balance of research and reporting may have changed the outcome
Ethical Issues
Conflicting stories cause confusion.
Falsely reporting the suspect was in custody could aid in the real criminal getting away.
One could say that live in the moment reporting is going to have errors and confusion as the report is coming with a boots on the ground moment by moment story .
The FBI could have reported they didn't have anyone in custody to avoid alerting the real suspect or the suspect partners that may still be on the run.
I'm wondering how the victims are and their families.
I feel like there is more to the story than is being reported and what is being reported is not as accurate as it should be.
Reporting that the FBI denied capture but the original source stood by their statement makes one question the truth. Who does one believe?
As a viewer I feel that on sight reporting, real time response and access to the first hand witnesses is important to report the truth. I'm willing to wait on the specifics to know the information being given is valid and true not speculative.
Breaking News is vital to our culture and community.
Reporting should be both timely and accurate.
The reporting needs to be multi-leveled; the surface story can be reported in real time (only stating what is known to be true - sometimes that may be nothing but that the incident occurred).
While the story develops and research into victims, authorities, theories and impact can be gathered, fact checked and then delivered so that the viewer has a reliable source to relay the truth.