Collaboration With Student’s Physician And/Or Mental Health Provider
Bullying may seriously affect the mental health, physical health. Youth who bully others are more likely to exhibit
delinquent behaviors, dislike school, drop out of school, bring weapons to school, think of suicide and attempt suicide, drink alcohol and smoke, and hold beliefs that support violence(Cooket al., 2010; Klomek et al., 2008; Nansel, Overpeck, Pilla, Ruan,Simons-Morton, & Scheidt, 2001).
Whether community- or school-based, mental health professionals know the effects that bullying can have on those directly involved as well as those who witness it, and they play important roles in preventing and responding to bullying. Psychologists, counselors, and
social workers who are based in schools bring critical expertise to the task of planning and implementing school- and community-wide approaches to bullying prevention; Collecting and using data to inform prevention efforts (Bauman, 2008) , training and advising educators, families, and students, collaborating with educators.(