Macbeth themes
Ambition & Temptation
The Macbeths' ambition is sparked by witches, though never make them do anything.
Ambition overwhelms him
illustrates danger of naked ambition, freed from moral or social conscience.
Is it real?
Banquo & Macbeth question this after hearing prophesies.
Unlike Banquo, Macbeth acts
Question as to whether human agency is required or if it is pre-determined.
This is never clarified
Lady Macbeth's suicide
Macbeth's beheading
When Macbeth murders Duncan, he realises others may access the throne in this way. It becomes a vicious cycle.
Nature & Unnatural
belief that health of country linked to moral legitimacy of king.
Duncan's murder causes natural chaos
Duncan & Malcolm use metaphor of plant & growth about kingdom
Macbeth & Lady Macbeth
wish natural would disappear
use it to hide their cruel schemes
They become unnatural
Gender roles
questions of nature & responsibility of manhood
Macduff leaves family
Macbeth's decision to not kill the king
Banquo: strength to restrain desires
would Macbeth have committed these acts without the prophesy?
Guilt & Remorse
bloody dagger
blood on hands
Duncan's body/chamberlains = physical reminder of guilt
Macbeth vs Lady Macbeth
Macbeth = overcomes guilt which plagues him early on in play
Lady Macbeth = initially urges murder; guilt & remorse ultimately drives her to her death.
both prove fatal for the Macbeths
Prophesy might've come true in a dfiferent way.
Renaissance view: Microcosm to Macrocosm
relationship between order on earth & order on larger scale of universe.
Lady Macbeth usurps 'male' role in patriarchal marriage
Choices repeatedly questioned
Reason vs passion
Macbeth = rational.
thinks about consequences of actions
considers political, ethical & religious implications
Lady Macbeth = passionate
motivated by feelings
emotional arguments to persuade Macbeth