Chapter 5. Chapter five talks about Value of listening what how important it is when communicating with others because when you listen you can accommodate with the speaker and give him/ her feedback but when not listening it is very hard to keep a conversation going.



Lisenting fidelity



Residual message

The degree of congruence between what a listener understands and what the message sender was attempting to communicate.

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The act of interpreting a message by following syntactic , and pragmatic rules

being able to listen

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Being able to understand what others are discussing.

being able to accommodate there statements.

being able to recall information that was sent to you.

recalling long term and short term information

the process of focusing on certain stimuli from environment.

Being able to pay attention to certain events.

The part of message of receiver can recall after short and long term memory loss

providing observable feedback to another person

Being able to respond means that you're able to pay attention to the speaker and giving him feed back

Types of Listening

Analytic listening

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critical Listening

Task-oriented Listening

Relational Listening

Listening has been a problem for me even as a child I tend to space out and not pay full attention to what an adult was trying to tell me because as a child all you want to do is play and not pay close attention to what importances are given to you so you tend to space out and go into your own little world then when being asked about what was told to me I would totally freeze up. Listening is a life style key that's needs to be welled performed at. It is very important especially when given a task at work, school, or from a coach when playing a sport. I've been told that I need to develop this skill from an early age that's why now listening is something I take very seriously.

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From texts it's important to develop this skill