Hubert is a 3 year old student who is extremely intelligent. He can communicate with teachers in the target language (English in my class). He will tell me what he has made and ask if I want to play with him. He unfortunately does not interact with many of the students. He engages in solo play, kicking and punching in the air by himself. He does not participate often in class, but if asked a question directly during lesson time or during play he can answer it correctly. When mentioning lack of participation to his mother, she says maybe it's just because he prefers not to do it. If asked to partner with another student, during songs and games he sits quietly in his seat. He also has a hard time with doing things on his own. He prefers to have the assistance from an adult. He cannot dress or undress himself, putting on or taking off shoes, jackets, etc.
Tier 3
Make sure parent is giving the student a chance to develop at home; suggest extracurriculars which involve playing with other students; suggest parents let the student try dressing and undressing himself more independently