Unless we suffer to carry the message of the gospel things are only going to get worse and worse. Unless we deal with the problem of sin we will not truly be able to bridge the gap between us and God. Isaiah 52 says that the arm of the Lord is not to short to save nor his ears to dull to hear but our sins have seperated us from our God. And even though its our sins that have seperated us from God, we are not the ones that provide the solution, God Himself bore our sins on the cross so that we can have a relationship with God. In Acts 2after Jesus had ascended and the out pouring of the Holy Spirit came on the disciples in Jerusalem, Peter stood up and preached a message to the thousands of people who werewondering what was taking place, He convicted them of their sin and told them in no uncertain terms that they had crucified Jesus and their response was "What shall we do?" He replied repent and be baptised everyone of you for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, the promise is for you and your children for all those who are far off, for all whom the Lord our God will call. As we fast and pray maybe it is that the Lord will hear us as we pray to be All In, to be united in the Spirit, to give everythng for our Lord.