Communication is aided by a range of technology – some forms are written
and others are verbal.
● Presentation software can include text, graphics, video and audio images and
is used to tell a story or used to support someone presenting information.
● Word processing – used for the production, editing, printing and storing of
text on a computer, e.g. writing letters, reports, books, leafl ets and posters.
● Email – the distribution of electronic messages from one computer user
to another via a network.
● Web – a system of internet servers that support specially formatted
documents often connected via hyperlinks.
● Blog – a regularly updated web page run by an individual or small group
taking the form of a personal journal which is accessible to the public.
● Vlog or video log – a form of blog which includes video clips.
● Instant messaging – a communication service which enables a person
to communicate privately with another individual in real time over the internet.