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Microbiology Revision (Introducing Micro-Organisms (Safely Transferring…
Microbiology Revision
Introducing Micro-Organisms
Micro-Organisms are tiny living organisms that can only be seen with a microscope.
Micro-Organisms grow everywhere.
Safely Transferring Micro-Organisms Onto an Agar Plate
Close plate and partly seal with sellotape (some air need to get in for Micro-Organisms to grow.
Then rub the swab along the agar lightly.
Swipe the area you want to swab.
Use sterile swabs (dipped in sterile water before swabbing)
Write the label along the edge so you can observe the main area.
Place the agar plate upside down so condensation does not interfere with experiment.
Practice Aseptic Technique throughout
Aseptic Technique
Use sterile swabs.
Agar plate open for minimum time.
Wear lab coats.
Use paper towels to create a barrier between hands and equipment.
Anti bacterial spray on tables before and after.
Hand washing technique.
Not contaminating hands after washing.
Types of Micro- Organism
Biotechnology- Making Cheese
The milk is first pasteurised and then bacteria are added (a starter culture) to convert the lactose into lactic acid. Rennet (a bacteria found in cow stomach) is then added to make the milk clot.
The milk is pasteurised to kill any bad bacteria.
The starter culture decreases the pH because it converts to lactic acid.
Biotechnology- The Brewing Industry
Barley is harvested in July and August
The barley goes through a steeping process where water is sprayed on the barley to keep it in a state of germination (Water, Oxygen, Warmth)
The barley is kept germinating to keep the starch present in the seed to turn into sugar for the yeast to feed on.
Air is passed through the seeds to stop them from sticking together.
The barley is then kilned to dry out the barley by using hot air.
The Process of Brewing Beer
Fermentation (open and closed).
Adding yeast.
Cooling in the heat exchange.
Adding hops.
Boiling in the mash tun.
Adding water (creating wort).
Harvesting the barley.
Adding CO2
Biotechnology- Making Bread
Yeast allows the bread to rise due to the CO2 produced when they eat the sugar.
Yeast perform best at around 40 degrees Celsius
Biotechnology- Dealing With Toxic Waste
Biomethane is produced when micro-organisms break down . This can be collected and used as a fuel.
Bioethanol can be collected from separating alcohol through distillation.
Carbon Neutral
Cheap to buy
Processing Sewage
Screening- non-sewage objects are removed.
Settling Tank- Separates solids.
Aeration- Oxygen is pumped through the sludge- micro-organisms break it down.
Sludge Treatment- Separates the methane gas (useful fuel)
Sewage is passed over stones covered in micro-organisms which use oxygen to break it down.
Then released back into the environment