Not all mutualisms are symbiotic, although there is a continuum. Many mutualisms are visitors, and extreme specialisations are rare. extreme specialisations do occur and orginally evolved from parasitic interactions. Cleaner fish clean other fish when they can.
symbiotic mutualisms include mycorrhizal associations in most plant species, animal endosymbionts (zooxanthellae) lichens (algae & fungi)
the extent to which the interactions are trulu mutualistics depends on the environment - zooxanthallae provide fixed carbon, coral supplies ammonia, but zooxanthellae supply less C when N is abundant in water,
mutualism is not normally altruistic, both parties may not benefit from every interaction. Fitness increases in one species are at expense of other so leads to conflicts of interest - recipricol exploitation.
Star orchid in Madagascar. - moths with longest tongue would be best at getting nectar at end of spurs. Moths have to get close to flower to get what flower wants (pollination). if moth does not get close contact with flower, it wont get pollinated. if nectar spur short then moth does not get close so does not pollinate as does not get pollen, so shorter flowers at a disadvantage as well
Nilsson (1988) - experiment = pollination success of male and female is reduced by experimental shortneing of the floral tube. Natural pollination is carried out mainly by Sphinx ligustri - the flowers with the longest tubes have the highest fruit set.
Squeezed nectar up spurs and tied thread round spur so nectar close to moth than should be. as shorter floral tube length, orchid does less well. did over years, males and females fitness, both species.
there was a decline in orchid fitrness as tube length shortened. lenght of moth tongue affecting interaction? experimental snip bits off tongue, but unethical.
sometimes we can see correlations between moth pollinator tongues and floral spurs. its very tempting to say its co-evolution when seen in the wild. but adaptive radiation of columbo birds have variation in floral lenght.
Individuals with longest tongues are selected for as they obtain greatest food rewards, selection alternated between plant and pollinator, causing a continual and gradual elongation of pollinators tongue and flowers spur.
Plants with the longest spurs are selected for as reproductive organs opitimally contact the pollinators body providing the greatest reproduction
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