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Blockchain Courses (Blockchain for Business 2020: The New Industrial…
Blockchain Courses
1. Blockchain for Business - Introduction
- How Blockchain will change the world in 8 pictures
- Blockchain for Business - instructor intro and course outline
2. The rise of a new industry
- Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies - the fastest growing market we have seen?
- Welcome to the world of Blockchain
4. Bitcoin: where it all started?
- How Bitcoin was born
- Early scientific breakthroughs
- Major historic milestones preceding Bitcoin's creation
- Understanding the idea behind Bitcoin
- The advantages of a decentralized payment system
5. Bitcoin's five forces
A. Blockchain
- Blockchain - a distributed ledger
B. Cryptography
- Cryptography - the technique used to secure Bitcoin
C. Consensus
- Digital signatures
- Introduction to Proof-of-Work
- Mining and Proof-of-Work
- Game Theory
- What happens if miners misbehave?
- 51% attacks
- an important detail about consensus attacks
D. P2P network
E. Software code base
- the Script programming language
Alternative use cases of Bitcoin
Bitcoin - final remarks
6. Blockchain 2.0
- Introduction to Ethereum
- How Vitalik Buterin created Ethereum
- How Ethereum took the idea of Blockchain to the next level
- The Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Ethereum - a global platform for decentralized applications
- Ethereum and Initial Coin Offerings
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - a look into the future
7. Industrial applications of Blockchain
- Industry-specific blockchains
- Privacy on the Blockchain. Privacy coins (Monero, Zcash, Dash)
- The R3 Corda project
- The Hyperledger project
- Hyperledger frameworks
- The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
- The future of Blockchain: Public and private blockchainsrt
8.Blockchain and the Financial sector
- Blockchain's disruptive potential
- Why banks shouldn't ignore blockchain
- Banking business lines that could be disrupted by blockchain
- Trade finance on the blockchain
- Blockchain and insurance
- Blockchain and investment banking
- Blockchain and financial regulators
9. the Consumer goods sector
- retail industry
- Intellectual Property
- food industry supply chain
10. the global tech giants
- Google
- Facebook
- Amazon
- Apple
- Blockchain and AI
11. A look into the future of Blockchain technology
- Current issues and potential solutions to take blockchain to the next level
- Scalability solutions
- Proof-of-Stake
- Scalability solutions: Sharding
- Lightning networks, Plasma, Truebit
- Interoperability between blockchains
- Next generation blockchains - Tezos, Polkadot, Cosmos, Cardano, Zilliqa
- Blockchain for Business - conclusion
1. 區塊鏈原理
- 區塊鏈、Solidity 應該要怎麼學?
- 虛擬貨幣演進
- 共識演算法,節點
- 「區塊」鏈
- 「挖礦」原理、難度
- 資訊安全:私鑰、交易確認次數
- 虛擬貨幣生態圈:錢包、交易所
2. 以太坊介紹
- 以太坊特色與優勢、V 神與基金會
- 測試鏈、公私有鏈說明、Rinkeby 水龍頭
- Gas, Gas price, Ether 單位
- Geth, Parity 重錢包
- Metamask 輕錢包
3. 智能合約入門
- Hello World, 開發工具與環境建置
- Etherscan, 程式碼驗證
- 物件導向、方法基礎知識
- 基本寫法:算數、比較、邏輯運算子
- 控制結構:常數、if, for
4. Solidity 入門
- Solidity 語言介紹
- 參數:整數, 浮點數, 布林, Adress, Bytes, 字串
- 儲存單位:Mapping, Array, Struct
- 方法呼叫
- 事件 Event
- 交易與區塊資料:Sender, ETH, Time, Gas 難度, 區塊高度
- 方法 callback, payable, 無名方法
- ERC 20
- 練習作品:自製 ERC20 交換腦西幣
5. Solidity 進階
- 異常 Exception: revert, assert, require
- 函數修改器: Modifier
- 單位轉換: Ether, Time
- 合約結構、Hash 函數
- Library 匯入與使用 import, using
- Address 方法,合約自毀
- Reference Types: memory, storage
- 封裝與常數
- Abstract Contracts 抽象與繼承,多型
- Function Types: Internal, external, public, private
6. Solidity 深入
- 介面 Interface
- ERC721
- 智能合約與 API 呼叫 Orcalize
- Ecrecover 驗證簽名
- 合約建立合約+合約跟合約互動
- 組合語言
8. Solidity 其他
- 省 Gas 技巧
- 測試與部屬
- Ganache 環境搭建
- AWS 建立 EC2 與建置伺服器
9. 網頁相關
- 網頁設計
- 網頁設計概論
- JavaScript 方法使用與物件建立
- 網站調用
- Web3.JS 安裝與介紹
- 取得智能合約與普通帳戶餘額、方法呼叫
- Infura 使用
- 畢業作品:資金盤遊戲 Greedy599
1. Course overview and Roadmap and why?
- Course Overview and Roadmap
Note on the Introductory Videos
- What is the Blockchain and Why Use it?
- The Blockchain in Practice: Cryptocurrencies and Cryptography
- The Blockchain in Practice: Mining and Bitcoin
- Roadmap to Building the Blockchain: Guided by the Bitcoin White Paper
Important: Course Repository and Requirements
2. Build the blockchain: Block 40m
- Set Up the Blockchain Application
- Create the Block
- Genesis Block
- Mine Blocks
- SHA256 Hash Function
- Test the Block
3. Build the Blockchain - the Chain 33 m
- Build the Blockchain Class
- Test the Blockchain
- Multiple Chain Validation
- Chain Validation
- Test Chain Validation
- Replace the Chain
- Test Chain Replacement
4. Develop the Blockchain Application 18m
- Organize the Project
- Blockchain API - Get Blocks
- Mine Blocks Post Request
5. Create the Blockchain Network 33m
- Peer to Peer Server
- Create the WebSocket Server
- Connect to Blockchain Peers
- Handle Messages from Peers
- Synchronize the Blockchain across Peers
6. Proof of Work 37m
- Proof of Work and the 51% Attack
- Proof of Work and the Nonce
- Test the Nonce Functionality
- Dynamic Block Difficulty
- Test Difficulty Adjustment
7. Wallets and Transactions on the Blockchain 60m
- Notes on the Upcoming Cryptocurrency Implementation
- Wallets, Keys, and Transactions
- Create Wallet
- Chain Util and Key Generation
- Create a Transaction
- Test the Transaction
- Sign a Transaction
- Test the Transaction Input
- Verify Transactions
- Test Transaction Verification
- Transaction Updates
- Test Transaction Updates
8. Collect Transactions in a Pool 60m
- Transaction Pool
- Transaction Pool - Add Transaction
- Test the Transaction Pool
- Create Transactions with the Wallet
- Test Wallet Transactions
- Get Transactions
- Post Transactions
- Add the Transaction Pool to the Peer to peer Server
- Handle Transaction Messages in the Peer to peer Server
- Public Key Endpoint
9.Mine Transactions in a Block 90m
- Miners of Transactions
- Create the Miner Class
- Grab Valid Transactions
- Test Valid Transactions
- Reward Transactions
- Test Reward Transactions
- Reward Valid, and Clear Transactions
- Broadcast Clear Transactions
- Mine Transactions Endpoint
- The Nuance of Wallet Balance
- Calculate the Wallet Balance
- Calculate the Balance during each Transaction
- Test Balance Calculation
- The Cryptocurrency in Action
1. Blockchain Technology Basics
- What is Ethereum?
- The Ethereum Ecosystem - What Are Blocks?
- Opening An Ethereum Wallet
- Different Kinds Of Wallets
- Metamask And What Is GAS?
2. Introduction to Solidity
- Contracts, Constructors & Functions
REMIX PRACTICE: Creating First Smart Contract With Solidity And Remix
ASSIGNMENT: First Smart Contract
- Variables In Solidity
ASSIGNMENT: Variables Practice
- Getters & Setters
ASSIGNMENT: Getters And Setters Practice
- Arrays
ASSIGNMENT: Array Contracts Practice
- Memory vs Storage
ASSIGNMENT: Memory VS Storage Practice
- Mappings In Solidity
ASSIGNMENT: Mappings Practice
3. Advanced Solidity 30m
- What Are Structs?
- Error Handling & Restrictions
ASSIGNMENT: Error Handling & Restrictions
- Modifiers
- Libraries
- Global Variables In Solidity
CHEATSHEET: Global Variables
- Abstract Contracts, Inheritance and Interfaces
ASSIGNMENT: Abstract Contracts, Inheritance and Interfaces
- Events
4. Truffle Framework & Ganache 20m
- Environment Setup - Truffle, Ganache & VSCode
- VSCode Settings & Extensions - What I Use?
- Truffle Project Creation, Ganache & Contract Deployment
- Truffle Compile, Migrate & Create Commands
- More Truffle Commands
6. DAPP Deployement: Heroku Deloyment & Smart Contracts deployment With Infura 20m
- Infura Account Creation
- Setting Up Infura As Network Provider & DeployingContracts To Rinkeby
- Register And Install Heroku
- Preparing Project For Heroku
- Deploying Your DApp To Heroku
7. Token Creation: ERC20 Standard 30m
- Creating A Basic Token Under 5 Min
- Deploying Our Token To Rinkeby Test Network
- Adding Our Token To Wallets and Sending It To Another Account
- What is ERC20 Standard?
- Improving Our Basic Token To Be ERC20 (Part 1)
- Improving Our Basic Token To Be ERC20 (Part 2)
- Making Your Token Ownable
- Minting & Burning Functions (Control Supply)
5. DAPP Creation: Pet Shop 30m
- Installing Skeleton & Contract Creation
- Migration File Creation & Deployment
- Unit Testing Our Smart Contract
- WEB3JS & User Interface Creation
- Metamask Setup & DApp Testing
8. DAPP creation: IPFS File System Storage 1H30M
- Introduction To IPFS
- Saving Data With JavaScript and Infura Public Gateway
- Starting the Solidity Drive Project
- Creating Our Smart Contract
- Cleaning Things a Bit and Adding Dependencies
- Creating the User Interface
- Configure getWeb3.js
- Making The getFiles Function
- IPFS Config and onDrop event
- Debugging React Application Inside Chrome Dev Tools
- OnDrop Function Finished
- Rendering Our Files
- Re-render When We Change Accounts
1. What is Ethereum? 02:49:07
- Introduction 03:44
- A Short History Lesson 04:13
Link to Original Bitcoin White Paper
- What is Ethereum? 04:16
- Interfacing with Ethereum Networks 03:14
- Metamask Setup 05:24
- Ethereum Accounts 05:28
- Receiving Ether 03:34
- What's a Transaction? 07:43
- Why'd We Wait? 05:00
- Basic Blockchains 17:49
- Block Time 10:49
- Smart Contracts 06:55
- The Solidity Programming Language 05:03
- Our First Contract 05:41
- Contract Structure 05:39
- Function Declarations 08:59
- Testing with Remix 10:57
- Redeploying Contracts 02:34
- Behind the Scenes of Deployment 05:43
- More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know 14:15
- Wei vs Ether 04:07
- Gas and Transactions 11:24
- Mnemonic Phrases11:28
- Getting More Ether
2. Smart Contracts with Solidity
- Contract Deployment 05:31
- Boilerplate Requirements 05:09
- Project File Walkthrough 04:32
Syntax Highlighters
- Compiling Solidity 06:22
- The Compile Script 06:09
- Testing Architecture 03:48
Web3 Install Issues on Windows 01:00
- Installing Modules 04:15
- Web3 Versioning 04:18
- Web3 Providers 04:47
- Testing with Mocha 18:16
- Mocha Structure 04:44
- Fetching Accounts from Ganache 06:43
- Refactor to Async/Await 02:39
- Deployment with Web3 06:11
- Deployed Inbox Overview 11:18
- Asserting Deployment 05:22
Web3 Version Fix
- Verifying the Initial Message 08:25
- Testing Message Updates 06:24
- Deployment with Infura 06:57
- Infura Signup 04:18
- Wallet Provider Setup 06:40
Updated Deploy Code
- Deployment to Rinkeby 07:21
- Observing Deployment on Etherscan 04:51
- Deployed Contracts in Remix 07:13
- Project Review 09:27
3. Advanced Smart Contracts
- The Lottery Contract 02:36
- Lottery Design 02:49
- Basic Solidity Types 09:43
- Starting the Lottery Contract 04:44
- The Message Global Variable 05:53
- Overview of Arrays 11:06
- Overview of Mappings and Structs 03:42
- Big Solidity Gotcha 06:28
- Entering the Lottery 03:57
- Validation with Require Statements 09:48
- The Remix Debugger 04:03
- Pseudo Random Number Generator 10:34
- Selecting a Winner 04:58
- Sending Ether from Contracts 05:08
- Resetting Contract State 04:07
- Requiring Managers 05:03
- Function Modifiers 06:18
- Returning Players Array 02:13
- Contract Review 02:51
- New Test Setup 03:04
- Test Project Updates 02:04
- Test Helper Review 04:33
- Asserting Deployment 02:54
- Entering the Lottery 06:27
- Asserting Multiple Players 02:39
- Try-Catch Assertions 05:57
- Testing Function Modifiers 03:29
- End to End Test 11:04
4. Building interactive Front-Ends
- Ethereum App Architecture 09:20
- Application Overview 07:56
- Getting Started with Create-React-App 02:36
- Multiple Web3 Instances 08:42
- Web3 Setup 06:10
- Deploying the Lottery Contract 05:32
- Local Contract Instances 06:26
- Rendering Contract Data 07:04
- Instance Properties 01:58
- Accessing More Properties 05:33
- The 'Enter' Form 03:50
- Form Setup 06:47
- Entering the Lottery 06:35
- Picking a Winner 08:34
- Project Review 03:07
5. Real Projects with Ethereum
- Solving Real Problems with Contracts 06:01
- Fixing Kickstarter's Issues 7:48
- Campaign Contract Design 09:05
- Campaign Constructor 04:16
- Contributing to the Campaign03:07
- A Quick Test 02:14
- The Request Struct 08:58
- More on Function Modifiers 05:15
- Creating Struct Instances 05:33
- Instance Creation Syntax 09:31
- Storage and Memory 06:27
- More on Storage vs Memory 16:23
- Voting System Requirements 02:49
- The Wrong Voting System 05:12
- Issues with Arrays 06:14
- Mappings vs Arrays 04:01
- Basics of Mappings 11:08
- Refactoring to Mappings 06:45
- Refactoring Request Stucts 02:15
- More on Struct Initialization 02:52
- Approving a Request 07:53
- Testing Request Approvals 05:22
- Finalizing a Request 07:24
- Last Remix Test 03:03
- Thinking about Deployment 09:46
- Solution to Deployment 06:33
- Adding a Campaign Factory 07:53
- Testing the Factory 03:27
6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure
- Project Setup 02:16
- Directory Structure 02:56
- A Better Compile Script 04:41
- Single Run Compilation 08:46
- More on Compile 06:20
- Test File Setup 08:21
- Creating Campaign Instances 10:19
- Testing Warmup 03:11
- Accessing Mappings 09:55
- Requiring Minimum Contributions 03:13
- Array Getters 06:07
- One End to End Test 13:00
- Deployment 02:16
- Updated Deploy Code 00:19
- Refactoring Deployment 06:05
7. Ethereum Project Infrastructure
- App Mockups 11:05
- CRA vs Next 04:59
- Next's Pages Architecture 05:07
- Basics of Next Routing 04:51
- Root Routes 05:23
- CampaignFactory Instance 07:12
- Getting a Test Campaign 05:35
- Fetching Deployed Campaigns 06:27
- Why Next.js, Anyways? 09:50
- Server vs Client Web3 Instances 10:41
- GetInitialProps Function 10:14
- Semantic UI React 05:49
- Card Group Setup 06:42
- Rendering Card Groups 06:10
- Adding CSS 04:40
- Adding a Button 06:47
- The Need for a Layout 06:16
- The Layout Component 07:13
- Assembling a Header 07:35
- Constraining Content Width 04:28
- Two Column Layout 01:58
- Nested Routing 04:27
- Final CSS Fix 05:20
- Form Creation 04:31
- Input Change Handlers 06:20
- Form Submittal 05:58
- Testing Submittal 03:44
- Form Error Handling 12:49
- Button Spinners 06:56
- Routing Issues 03:13
- Next Routes Setup 10:54
- Automatic Navigation 04:43
- Header Navigation 05:52
- Routing to Campaigns 05:52
- Route Mappings 07:01
- Planning CampaignShow 03:59
- Redeploying CampaignFactory 08:53
- CampaignShow's GetInitialProps 07:10
- Accessing a Campaign 08:03
- Summary Translation Layer 04:15
- Custom Card Groups 07:44
- One Card Per Property 04:38
- The Contribute Form 07:22
- Grid Layouts 04:07
- Form State 02:44
- Communicating the Campaign Address 04:24
- Making a Contribution 04:55
- Refreshing Contract Data 06:17
- Spinners and Error Handlers 04:56
- Listing Requests 06:29
- Grids vs Columns 03:36
- More Routing! 08:32
- Request Creation Form 10:35
- Creating a Request 09:51
- Form Polish 07:43
- Creating a Request 01:12
- Requests One by One 03:32
- Fancy Javascript 07:35
- Small Typo! 00:19
- Rendering a Table 03:22
- Request Row Component 06:17
- Request Row Content 07:23
- Approvers Count Cell 05:51
- Approving a Request 06:58
- Finalizing Requests 05:19
- Testing Finalization 02:33
- Row Status Styling 06:45
- Finishing Requests Index 02:30