Teaching-learning problems based on Practicum 1 that can be solved through digital innovation

Pupils struggle to construct sentences



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Not enough practice

Sentence structure is not clear

Provide various learning platforms

  • There are many platform online and offline where pupils can apply their writing skills.
  • e.g: Cloud computing, Web 2.0
  • In Anderson, Goode, Mitchell and Thompson (2013), it was mentioned how the productivity of digital tools help in enhancing pupils' writing skill since it offers various platform for pupils' to write own and it also allow the pupils to experience authentic writing process.

Use visual aids

  • Visual features in digital innovations allow thought and organisation processes visible.
  • Since constructing sentences deal with specific structure, the visual will help in highlighting the different components of a sentence.
  • This is further supported by Patesan, Balagiu and Alibec (2018) who emphasis on the role of visual in making the learning accessible and in this context, the structure of writing can be more distinguishable.

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Punctuation problems

Pupils struggle with application



Not enough practice

Not understanding the full concept

Fun learning drilling


Lack of practice

Struggle in association


The learning is more relatable and memorable

• Pupils have a chance to associate concepts they have learn to fun learning experiences.
• Repetitious exercises in different concept.
• Learning at their own pace.

Pupils can do similar exercises that count as drilling but encourages fun learning.

Pupils have the chance to do immediate self assessment and correction

In depth exposure and learning

Pupils able to do their own research

pupils able to make memorable association

Pupils get to share ideas

Pupils lack of vocabulary



Lack of reading

Lack of exposure or supprtive environment

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Exercises in many different contexts

Allows repetitive learning to make new words stick

Fun learning environment

Wordable turns vocabulary-learning into a fun, competitive game you could play with your friends. It has built-in, spaced repetition and active-recall learning to make new words stick.