1) The Audit Quality Inspections Annual Report following AQRT reviews, covering:
Tone at the top and internal communication
Transparency reports
Independence and ethics
Performance evaluation and other human resource matters Audit methodology, training and guidance
Client risk assessment and acceptance/continuance Consultation and review
Audit quality monitoring
In 2012/13 AQRT reported that, in general, standard of audit work undertaken by the major firms had improved. However, in some cases firms need to ‘enhance their focus on professional scepticism and the effectiveness of their independence and ethical policies and procedures’.
2) AQRT inspections of individual audit firms
AQRT’s 2013 report on the firm KPMG selected areas that included fair value, goodwill/intangible impairment, recoverability of deferred tax assets, going concern assessment, revenue recognition and related party transactions.
The findings of this inspection identified improvements in some areas of audit quality, but raised particular concern relating to the firm’s leadership responsibility towards ensuring ethical standards and independence are maintained.
KPMG response: ‘We are committed to achieving high levels of audit quality and the highest ethical standards and to continuous improvement in both areas. We therefore consider carefully all of the AQRT’s recommendations, and where appropriate we have taken action to address the specific matters.’
AQRT has been critical of Big Four firms on such matters as failure to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to underpin audit opinions.
The work of AQRT is likely to lead to improved audit quality.