"I am as happy as an angel"- Scrooge wakes up on Christmas morning, and the use of similes emphasises the effect of his happiness on the reader, that he can change and redeem himself.

"I am light as a feather"

"I'll give you a shilling"- Scrooge is now giving away money, contrary to Stave 1. Where he wouldn't even buy coal for the fire in his clerk's office.

"He was a second father" "Tiny Tim, who did not die." - Description of Scrooge to Tiny Tim, shows the reader how he has chosen to change and help the Cratchit family.

"He went to church" - symbolizing that Scrooge's morals are changing.

"Not a farthing less" "A great many back payments are included in it" - Scrooge is repaying the charity workers, and sees that his actions before were wrong.

" Bob! Make up the fires and buy another coal- scuttle before you dot another i"

"No the little prize turkey: the big one!" " I'll send it to Bob Cratchit's"- Scrooge has became generous, and is now going out of his way to help the Cratchits

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"A merry Christmas to everybody!" - Scrooge, there is a big change from stave 1 when he referred to anybody who said "merry Christmas!" was an "idiot"



" for a man who had been out of practice for so many years, it was a splendid laugh, a most illustrious laugh. The father of a long, long line of brilliant laughs!"- The personification of his laugh emphasizes the fact that he has a wonderful laugh for so many years but is only just using it

"Wonderful party, wonderful games, wonderful unanimity, wonderful happiness!" - The repetition of "wonderful" shows the reader that Scrooges redemption has brought happiness to him and his whole family.

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"I have come for dinner will you let me in, Fred?"" "Nothing could be heartier" - Scrooge has to ask Fred's permission to join in dinner, as he was so horrible to him in Stave 1.

"Therefore I am about to raise your salary" "Merry Christmas Bob" "I'll raise your salary and endeavor to assist your struggling family" - Scrooge to Bob Cratchit, showing how he has changed from before when he didn't want to give him Christmas day off.

"I am merry as a school boy"

"God bless us, everyone!"- Tiny Tim, showing his happiness towards Scrooge's redemption.

Dickens uses joy and humor to depict the protagonist who is "light as a feather" "happy as an angel" "merry as a school boy" and even as "giddy as an drunken man". With every simile Scrooge is portrayed as full of life and emotion. Adjectives "happy, light, merry and giddy" contrast the the person we met in stave 1. He has changed as a person.

Scrooge feels a "pang across his heart"when he encounters the charity collectors he insulted the day before. Scrooge takes this moment to correct his actions and donates giving "a great many back payments". This reflects that Scrooge is making up for his mean and selfish years. He doesn't except thanks for giving the money. As he knows that his job is to care for others without needing gratitiude.

Dickens closes the novella through the narrator who highlights how Scrooge knew "how to keep Christmas well". He knew that he shouldn't make mistakes which could hurt the others, he was forgiven and that his life started fresh and new. In the last stave he wasn't visited by anymore ghosts suggesting there weren't any chains binding him by mistakes he later made. Tiny Tim ends the novel shouting "God bless us everyone!" . Dickens is establishing the christian message of the story that Tiny saved scrooge, the story of desperation. Tiny Tim's vulnerability symbolizes much more than poverty but the desired to be cared for, something that scrooge can through his financial support. We are as readers critics and we must question who is tiny tim in our society and who is the scrooge. Dickens sets up in Victorian times to make us question whether these issues are as relevant as they were in those times, to know modern day life.