Chapter 6: Development is Psychology

Types of changes

Social - emotional changes & personality

Moral - concerns how one learns to do the right thing in society

Cognitive - thoughts pattern and skills, problem solving

Physical - motor skills, bone structure, weight

Factors Influencing

Maturation - walk at certain age etc

Environment - People, culture & context

Heredity - determined by the chromosome

Stages of development


Adolescent - 12 to 18 yo

Infancy - 2 weeks to 2 years


Prenatal/neonatal - newborn's first two weeks

Old age - 65 yo and above

Early - 2 to 7 yo

Middle - 7 to 11 yo

Late - 11 to 12 yo

Middle - 35 to55 yo

Late - 55 to 65 yo

Early - 18 to 35 yo

Theories of Development

Erikson's 8-stage Theory of Psychosocial development

Freud's theory of psychosexual development

Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development

Kohlberg's theory of moral development

Ainsworth's Theory Attachment

Conventional Stage - children make moral decision based on what they think what other will think

Postconventional(principled stage) - Judgement are based on ethical principles instead of consequences

Preconventional (premoral stage)-young children has no sense of morality

Latency ( 6-pubery) - a quiet time during which psychosexual dev is on hold

Genital stage (puberty onwards) - sexual & romantic interest directed towards one's peers

Phallic stage (3-6 yo) - gratification is focused on genitals

Anal stage (1-3 yo) - gratification is focused on anal

Oral stage (birth-1 y ) - id gratification on the mouth

Autonomy vs shame and doubt for preschooler ( 1-3 yo)

Initiative vs guilt (3-5 yo)

Trust vs mistrust in infancy ( birth - 1 year )

Industry vs Inferiority ( 3-5 yo)

Indentity vs role confusion in adolescence ( 11-18 yo)

Intimacy vs isolation in early adulthood ( 18 - 40 yo )

Generativity vs stagnation in middle age ( 40 - 65 yo )

Integrity vs despair ( 65 ++ yo)


Stages of Piagetian Development



Concrete Operational (7-4 yo)

formal operational

Preoperational - 2 -7 yo

Sensorimotor - age 0-2 yo


Seriation - putting items in order and sizes

temporal relations


Secure attachment ( 65% ) - Infant actively seek out contact with her mother

Ambivalent attachment - seeks contact but then resist once contact is made

Avoidant attachment - infant avoids mother when reunited