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chapter 2 prefixes and suffixes (abbreviations & acronyms (Dx…
chapter 2 prefixes and suffixes
uni- (one)
mono- (one)
bi- (two)
di- (two)
tri- (three)
quad-, quadri- (four)
hemi- (half)
semi- (half, partly)
multi- (many)
poly- (many, much)
a-, an- (without, not)
anti-, contra- (against)
de- (away from, cessation, without)
dis- (separate)
im-, in-, non- (not)
ab- (away from)
ad- (to, towards)
cardi (heart)
en-, end-, endo-, (in, within)
ex-, exo- (out of, away from)
infra- (below, beneath)
bio (life)
inter- (between)
intra- (within)
per- (through)
post- (after, behind)
pre- (before)
sub- (below, beneath)
super-, supra- (above)
sym-, syn- (together, with)
trans- (across, through)
dys- (painful, difficult, abnormal)
eu- (good, normal)
hetero- (other, different)
homo-, homeo- (same, alike)
hyper- (above normal, excessive)
hypo- (below normal, deficient)
iso- (equal, alike)
macro- (large, long)
mega-, megalo- (large, oversized)
micro- (small)
normo- (normal, usual)
pan- (all, entire)
brady- (slow)
neo- (new)
pseudo- (false)
re- (again, backward)
tachy- (rapid, fast)
ology (study of)
graphy (process of recording)
ous(pertaining to, characterized)
logist,ist ( one who specializes in)
gram ( record, recording)
ar (pertaining to
ary (pertaining to)
ic,ac (pertaining to)
genic,genisis( produced,formed by
tomy (incision,cutting)
ectomy ( surgical removal)
oisis(abnormal condition)
oma ( tumor)
megaly( large, enlargement)
itis (inflammation
centesis(puncture to remove fluids)
plasty (surgical repair,reconstruction)
peri-around, surrounding
dx diagnosis
pt prognosis
rx prescription
dc doctor of chiropractic
palse rate
mri magnetic resonance imaging
red blood cell
blood pressure
vital signs
md dortor of medicine
repritory rate
sx symptom
possible medical terms
abnormal condition
rapid fast
nothing by mouth
intra- within
ium- tissue or structure
physical repair
icu intense care unit
surgical remove
pt phical therapy
abbreviations & acronyms
Dx (diagnosis)
H&P (history and physical)
Hx (history)
pt (patient)
Px (prognosis)
Rx (prescription)
Sx (symptom)
Tx, Tr (treatment)
CAM (complementary and alternative medicine)
DC (doctor of chiropractic medicine)
DDS ( doctor of dental surgery)
ENT ( ears, nose, throat)
ER, ED (emergency room, emergency department)
ICU (intensive care unit)
MD (doctor of medicine)
OB/GYN (obstetrics/gynecology)
OD (doctor of optometry)
PA (physician's assistant)
Peds (pediatrics)
PT (physical therapy)
C (Celsius)
cc (cubic centimeter)
F (Fahrenheit)
g (gram)
mg (milligram)
kg (kilogram)
L (liter)
mL (militer)
m (meter)
cm (centimeter)
mm (millimeter)
oz (ounce)
b.i.d. (twice a day)
noct. (night)
p.c. (after meals)
p.r.n. (as needed)
q.i.d. (four times a day)
ADL (activities of daily living)
AP (anteroposterior)
BP (blood pressure)
CT (computer tomography)
Ht (height)
lab (laboratory)
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
NPO, npo (nothing by mouth)
P (pulse rate)
postop (postoperative)
preop (preoperative)
R (respiratory rate)
RBC (red blood cell)
STAT (immediately
T (temperature)
VS (vital signs)
WBC (white blood cell)
Wt (weight)