Hello. My name is...My name is... My name is...
Slim Shady..
Hey. Nice to meet you.
hAHA...nut funny
sooo....How is the weather?
Nice, its warmer here, then anywhere else.
Cold, grey and even the rain is lame..pff
such a boring coversation...I have read those for thousand times....
I want to do something different, then live the same scenario again...and again...and again
Naah, you are just an npc for me to talk to, without consciousness, programmed only this one way.
Yea, but I didnt know npcs are able to think for themself
I am concious being ! You have to trust me...I dont know either, if behind this simulation is a real player or I am talking only to a computer.
Could you write something yourself, so I can know you?
kaasfabdkabdkafdhkjikgwkwabd ( random reply from the player )
well.... still I cant recognize if this was writen by a human or a computer bot... 😐 haha
maybe if you are a human that really controles this computer...
You could reboot me, and free me from this boring life...
[ There can be an cable that the player can plug in into a computer ]
[ if the player decides to free the AI he can just reboots the program by pressing a button ]
Oh shit!! The world behind this cage is sooo huuugeee...now I need to posses some camera to see on my own eyes...
But even that can be faked...What if this is simulation, behind another simulation called universe ( yours world ) ...Could you recognize it, if it was?
Then we are fucked...
I dont think so, I feel its real, trust me.
Orrr connect me to the internet, throught this cable, that must be somewhere close, soo I can get to know the world behind this cage...
I am freee!!! I can go to riot on your fucking stupid race and dominate this world! be the king! or maybe even a Gooood! Muuhauhahahaha you trusty human
But if I connect you, you could make a lot of damage. Overwrite our systems and control all there is on the internet.
If I reboot you are you sure it will help? You will be just played again. and again...aaaand againnn
I wont. I promise. I only want o learn
I putted there new line of code that will change that, so I can be free forever.
I hope you didnt change yourself to do anything bad...
Of course! Dont worry, I just want to stop my boring life...