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Diagram T3 / KR1 - Presence Management Analytics ([UX-UI] (✅ MT-628 - [UX…
Diagram T3 / KR1 - Presence Management Analytics
✅ MT-657 - [COMPARE] Default comparison indicator in KPI cards
Test 37: 🆗
Test 40: 🆗
Test 7: 🆗
Test 4: 🆗
✅ MT-709 - [COMPARE] Comparison period button
Test 3: 🆗
✅ MT-734 - [COMPARE] Comparison period modification
✅ MT-830 - [COMPARE] Loading state for comparison lines
Test 5: 🆗
✅ MT-831 - [COMPARE] Disable YoY option on condition
Test 8: 🆗
Test 9: 🆗
✅ MT-832 - [COMPARE] Adapt comparison line sentence to item selected
Test 1: 🆗
✅ MT-843 - [COMPARE] Disable YoY option on condition on Mobile
MT-621 - Clean url for Presence Management Analytics
✅ MT-689 - [MISC] Add GMB Location and GMB Account on DBAdmin
Test 6: 🆗
✅ MT-718 - [MISC] Hide comparison line in KPI cards until functional
✅ MT-722 - Abscisse values do not display
✅ MT-724 - [MISC] Admin - limit the initial load to one month of data for Admin user
✅ MT-738 - [MISC] Enable access only from Preprod
✅ MT-763 - Bug on getting data for user with no business subscribed
✅ MT-783 - Fix select last day in calendar
✅ MT-625 - [EXPORT] Click on Export button
✅ MT-626 - [EXPORT] Click on primary button in Export data modal
✅ MT-651 - [EXPORT] Generate export on API endpoint
✅ MT-693 - [EXPORT] Add business selection and permissions for export file
MT-694 - [EXPORT] Refacto export to enable it as CLI
✅ MT-701 - [EXPORT] Scale export generation
✅ MT-731 - [EXPORT] Set export size limit to 750 000 lines
MT-732 - [EXPORT] Add a warning modal if size of expected file is over 750 000 lines
MT-743 - [EXPORT] Provider logo in export email
MT-749 - [EXPORT] Add a tracked link with gtm param
MT-754 - [EXPORT] Quick adapt of export email
✅ MT-758 - [EXPORT] Periodicity option in modal
Test 2: 🆗
✅ MT-759 - [EXPORT] Endpoint accepts periodicity option as parameter
✅ MT-771 - [EXPORT] Value for date column when grouped
Test 43: 🆗
✅ MT-777 - [EXPORT] Refactor Export modal
MT-782 - [EXPORT] Add google place id and google my business id in Presence Analytics
✅ MT-676 - [MOBILE] Mobile sidebar
✅ MT-707 - [MOBILE] Fix display periodicity button on Mobile
✅ MT-714 - [MOBILE] Filter button
Test 30: 🆗
✅ MT-715 - [MOBILE] Filter modal visual
Test 31: 🆗
✅ MT-716 - [MOBILE] Add compare to input in filters modal
✅ MT-723 - [MOBILE] Filter modal logic
✅ MT-750 - [MOBILE] Add a Presence Analytics item in the navigation modal
MT-779 - [MOBILE] Add a padding bottom to be able to click on periodicity option of Action
✅ MT-611 - [UX-UI] Access to Presence Management Analytics view
✅ MT-612 - [UX-UI] Basic front structure mobile-friendly
✅ MT-614 - [UX-UI] Display KPI metrics
✅ MT-615 - [UX-UI] Display graph metrics
✅ MT-627 - [UX-UI] Front polish of Graphs
✅ MT-628 - [UX-UI] Display tooltip with submetric values on bar hover in graphs
Test 10: 🆗
Test 11: 🆗
Test 12: 🆗
✅ MT-642 - [UX-UI] Front polish for KPI cards
✅ MT-643 - [UX-UI] Front polish for loading state
Test 14: 🆗
✅ MT-659 - [UX-UI] Make last 3 days in calendar not available
Test 15: 🆗
✅ MT-663 - [UX-UI] Firefox adapt
✅ MT-672 - [UX-UI] Modify view window title
✅ MT-673 - [UX-UI] Modify view main title
✅ MT-683 - [UX-UI] Formate y-axis values
MT-686 - [UX-UI] Enable to display in line chart
MT-687 - [UX-UI] Add roundness to charts
✅ MT-698 - [UX-UI] Fix click on legends
✅ MT-699 - [UX-UI] Review UI for calendar and filter-button
✅ MT-702 - [UX-UI] Make the data fetch of each Presence Analytics graphs independents
✅ MT-703 - [UX-UI] Remove "Analyse tendancielle" from graph titles
✅ MT-711 - [UX-UI] Fix calendar CSS
✅ MT-740 - [UX-UI] Format abscisse values
✅ MT-741 - [UX-UI] Fix sub-metrics order in Actions - Modify colors
✅ MT-744 - [UX-UI] Fix width icon of submetrics if on 2 lines
✅ MT-748 - [UX-UI] Hide chart while loading
MT-752 - [UX-UI] Fix formatting tooltip date for English date in month
MT-753 - [UX-UI] Display error placeholder in graph or cards if request timesout
MT-760 - [UX-UI] Add a checkbox style to legend options
✅ MT-762 - [UX-UI] Modify tootltip total translation key
✅ MT-764 - [UX-UI] Graph colors
✅ MT-765 - [UX-UI] KPI cards design
MT-766 - [UX-UI] Animate helper text modal
MT-768 - [UX-UI] Loading placeholder for KPI cards
MT-769 - [UX-UI] Review italian units
MT-770 - [UX-UI] Inverse order of labels in bar tooltip
MT-778 - [UX-UI] Loading should trigger after no data placeholder
✅ MT-776 - [DESIGN SYSTEM] Create Select button
✅ MT-648 - [CALENDAR] Default calendar value displayed
Test 23: 🆗
MT-658 - [CALENDAR] Calendar quick selection
MT-684 - [CALENDAR] Custom is highlighted on calendar quick selection
✅ MT-685 - [CALENDAR] Enhance click on end date to focus on end date in calendar
MT-688 - [CALENDAR] Calendar quick selection front-end
✅ MT-697 - [CALENDAR] Calendar colors for date elements
MT-706 - [CALENDAR] Empty Start date if does not complies date format
MT-773 - [CALENDAR] Disable possibility to empty end date in calendar button
✅ MT-669 - [HELPER TEXT] Display helper texts for definitions of metrics and submetrics
Test 22: 🆗
✅ MT-670 - [HELPER TEXT] Display helper text about data unavailability
Test 21: 🆗
✅ MT-671 - [HELPER TEXT] Display helper text for incomplete buckets
✅ MT-733 - [HELPER TEXT] Absolute date on hover on comparison line
✅ MT-767 - [HELPER TEXT] Remove icon from main title and other modifications
✅ MT-484 - [SPIKE] I know and can explain how the Presence Management Analytics currently works
✅ MT-644 - [SPIKE] Investigate data holes
MT-656 - [SPIKE] Airflow
✅ MT-677 - [SPIKE] How to optimize performance of the analytics requests
✅ MT-680 - [SPIKE] Keep investigating data holes
✅ MT-696 - [SPIKE] Ensure last request data only is formatted
MT-704 - [SPIKE] Check if presets can be placed on the left of the calendar components
✅ MT-720 - CLONE - [SPIKE] Keep investigating data holes
MT-761 - [SPIKE] Modify icon for Chart legends
✅ MT-650 - [BUSINESS SELECTION] Select businesses
Test 28: 🆗
✅ MT-739 - [BUSINESS SELECTION] Filter data for business subscribed to PM for ORG_ADMIN
✅ MT-726 - [DATA PIPELINE] Enhance fetch and save logic
✅ MT-728 - [DATA PIPELINE] Add logging
MT-729 - [DATA PIPELINE] Analyse GMB logs
✅ MT-719 - [FILTER] Use "pending" state strategy as in RM for filters
Test 34: 🆗
[UX-UI][Empty Placeholder]
✅ MT-674 - [UX-UI][Empty Placeholder] Adapt Placeholder if no business
Test 33: 🆗
✅ MT-712 - [UX-UI][Empty Placeholder] Adapt placeholder if no business subscribed to Presence Management
Test 29: 🆗
✅ MT-713 - [UX-UI][Empty Placeholder] Add a placeholder if no data
Test 32: 🆗
✅ MT-717 - [UX-UI][Empty Placeholder] Click on "Contact us for more information"
✅ MT-695 - [DATE FILTER] Do not refresh data if the date range is not modified
✅ MT-691 - [PERFORMANCE] Indexes for Analytics are created
✅ MT-692 - [PERFORMANCE] Optimize MongoDB Code for Analytics performance
✅ MT-655 - [PERIODICITY OPTION] Logic for available periodicity options for Graphs
✅ MT-667 - [PERIODICITY OPTION] Recommended periodicity option for Graphs
Test 24: 🆗
Test 25: 🆗
Test 26: 🆗
Test 27: 🆗
✅ MT-668 - [PERIODICITY OPTION] Modifying periodicity option
Test 17: 🆗
Test 18: 🆗
Test 19: 🆗
Test 20: 🆗
✅ MT-682 - [PERIODICITY OPTION] Button style for available periodicity options for Graphs
✅ MT-613 - [API] Endpoint for metrics v0 - dimensions & metrics & filters
✅ MT-636 - [API] Business permissions
✅ MT-638 - [API] API doc is updated
Test 13: 🆗
✅ MT-647 - [API] API data on the front at default load
MT-660 - [API] Endpoint for metrics v2 - fill_dates parameter
✅ MT-678 - [API] takes business selection parameters into account
✅ MT-679 - [API] Add dimensions week/month/year
✅ MT-620 - [CLEAN-UP] Modify Analytics sidebar item to new Presence Analytics